A Painful Awakening

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Some time later...

Dustin-Lee turned his head slightly toward Carol-Lynne. Her head was hanging by her chest, the slightest amount of blood dripping from a cut on her cheek, a bruise had formed on her forehead above her left eye and a scrape lined her chin. He fought tears at the sight of his brother, Michael-Ray lying on the floor of the plane, his leg bent oddly behind him. The dog was licking the lifeless face of the pilot, whimpering. Dustin-Lee reaches over, teary eyed, touching his sisters shoulder. "Carol-Lynne, Carol-Lynne wake up... Can you hear me?"

He heard a muffled groan escape his sister's throat. She fought the pain as she raised her head,  looking first to her left, then to her right. Crying at the sight of Michael-Ray. She pushed herself forward, crawling to him. "Michael-Ray, come on, open your eyes, everything's gonna be okay."

A few moments passed before he responded to the frantic voices of his siblings. "Dusty? Carol?" He looked around. "What happened?" He cried as he clutched his knee. "What happened to my knee? It hurts real bad..."

"Don't worry, I've got you. This will only hurt for a second." The older brother took hold of Michael-Ray's leg. "Mike, look at Carol, okay, think about something happy." Dustin-Lee remembered an injury from football practice, and how the coach re-jointed the quarterbacks knee. He yanked Michael's leg as quickly as he could. Michael let out a scream that echoed through the air. "Mike I'm so sorry. I had to do that..." 

Dustin-Lee walked over to the pilot, worry apparent on his face. He knelt beside the man, resting his fingers on his jugular, praying to feel a pulse. But his luck was with Michael-Ray and Carol-Lynne being okay. The man was dead. 

The dogs eyes met Dustin-Lee's, he whimpered and cried as his paw was resting on his dead owners lap. "I'm sorry boy, he's in a better place now." The dog whimpered and rest his head on the floor by the pilot. Dustin-Lee looked to his brother and sister. "We have to get out of the plane." Carol-Lynne stood and helped Michael-Ray out. She sat him down under a palm tree. Dustin-Lee checks his cell phone. "No reception, Carol, try yours..."

She checked her phone. "No reception..."

He then checked the pilots cell phone, and again, no reception. "I'm gonna go try to get a radio signal. Carol, you and Mike stay here. Call me if anything happens."

He entered the plane carefully crawling  to the radio. It was in pieces, but the wires were still connected. He messed around with the different buttons, trying to call for help. All that came from the radio was silence. Not even static.

He had a million thoughts running through his mind. What was going to happen? How could he get help for his family? He walked back to the palm tree where Mike and Carol were. He sat down. "No signal. Not even static."

As the cool of the evening approached, they needed to seek shelter from the environment. They were unaware of any dangers inhabiting the island, but they could try their best be safe. The only thing he could think of, was to remove the pilot from the plane, and spend the evening there. Sleep would be difficult in a sitting position, but they would have to make do.

Dustin walked over to Carol, who was staring into the distance. "We need to move the pilot..."

"We... As in we?"

"W e spells we doesn't it."

"Yeah but, he's dead."

"We have to move him. Unless you want to sleep out here?"

"I'm fine with that..." He just stared at her. "Fine!"

Dustin took the pilots upper body in his arms, while Carol held up the mans legs. They moved him out of the plane and laid him by a tree. "We can't just leave him like this. We have to cover him with something, so animals don't get at him."

"Like what?" Mike asked from a slight distance.

"What about an emergency blanket, the aluminum looking ones. There should be one on the plane."

"Yeah, good idea Carol. I wish I could help you guys..."

"Mike, it's okay. You'll help with what you can do. Why don't you tell Carol how to start a fire, we'll need one..." Dustin covered the pilot with the blanket and weighed the edges down with rocks to prevent it from blowing away if it were to get breezy at night. 

Carol listened very carefully as Mike explained how to start a fire,she  followed step by step the instructions he gave her. In less than an hour, they had a decent fire going. Since it was inevitable that Dustin would get very little rest, he would tend to the fire to keep it going and search through the plane for anything of use to them during the night.

Mike was sitting against the tree, holding his knee in pain. His pants were unbearably tight on that one leg. Dustin and Carol came over, Carol held his hand while Dustin took her Swiss army knife and carefully cut the fabric to relieve the pressure on his swollen knee. "Carol, go get the first aid kit, it should have just what we need..." Carol walked back moments later with the kit in hand. Dustin searched through it and found an emergency ice pack. He rubbed it in his hands and it got cold quickly. He placed it on Mike's knee and tied the cut fabric from his pants around his knee to hold it in place. 

Later the three returned to  the inside of plane, Mike laid on the floor of the plane, Dustin's jacket below his head. Carol laid uncomfortably in the only slightly reclining seat. Dustin sat in the corner, watching the two that he fought for today. Sleep didn't come easy for Carol and Mike, and it was out of the question for Dustin. 

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