Getting Back To Work

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After a luxurious dip in the cool water, and a long refreshing drink, they pulled themselves up by a vine and rested on the cool dirt of the ground. They decided to spend the night where they were resting. In the morning they would mark a trail from the waterfall to search for supplies and resources, along with a shelter that is capable of protecting themselves in all weather.

Sleep did not come easy for Dustin, as he hadn't any idea who had thrown the vine down the pit to him. Another thing that was bothering him, the pit, it looked man-made. It was too deep, too symetricle, too perfect to be natures doing. Not to mention, it was covered with a thin layer of branches and leaves. Someone, whoever it may be, was on this island with them.

Dustin sat awake by the side of the waterfall, waiting for Carol and Mike to wake up. Finally they began to stir. They stretched and groaned as they go to a seated position.

"How'd you sleep?" Dustin questions the two.

"Fine. Wish I could say the same for you... You look horrible!" Carol states matter of factly.

"Thank's I feel so hot right now." He sassed.

"Dustin, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... I just... I couldn't sleep... That's all..."

"Sure..." Carol walked over to the water and took a nice long sip. She walked over to her button up shirt hanging on a tree and put it on over her tank top and shorts.

They decided to make their way back to their original camp site, leaving a trail back to the waterfall. They would keep their eyes open for a new location closer to the fresh water source. When reaching the camp, they find nothing but destruction. The storm had taken away everything they worked so hard to accomplish. Even the plane had been shifted to a position that was no longer safe to approach. The plane was also pushed into the jungle, and was no more visible by passing aircraft than a shore line crab. They reformed the SOS on the sands of the beach with an arrow pointing in the direction of the trail, leading to the waterfall. They started to gather whatever was salvageable to bring to their new location. 

Mike collects all salvageable items and places them by the path, while Dustin searches for anything new the storm carried near. Among these items were a tattered sail, driftwood with nails in it, large shells that could be used for bowls, glass jars and tin cans, and very strong shells that could be used to make spears and whatnot. Dustin didn't want to bring up weapons to his siblings, but with the idea of someone else being on the island, he needed to protect them. 

Dustin walked along the sands of the beach, and along the way, he came across something useful on the beach. It was the jaw of a shark. He picked it up off the ground, and examined it. He placed it in his bag and went on his way. This item could also be used for making spears... Although he needed to protect them, they didn't need to know of his worries.

Carol was working on a stretcher with two strong branches and the tattered sail to transport their things from place to place. She finished off the last details of the stretcher when an idea popped into her head. She would go off in search of the bananas and herbs to see if they survived the storm. 

She walked off in the direction of the banana trees. She walked about ten minutes, and approached the banana trees. They were definitely affected by the storm, but they were pretty well off. They needed to find a place between the banana trees and the waterfall for shelter.

Carol remembered a time about a week ago, when her and the boys were sitting by the fire, reading Mike's book on animals that can be eaten in a survival situation. She remembered this because she recognized a snake she saw in the book, the same snake she was staring down right now. 

She thought for a second. If most of their food supply was ruined by the storm, they could use that snake. She was more determined than ever right now, to kill a snake. And as much as she hated the thought, she was gonna eat that snake. 

She scanned the area, looking for something heavy. She spotted a whole coconut, that could do the trick with enough force. She cautiously picked up the coconut, and hummed it against the head of the snake. It made contact, and paralyzed the bottom half of the snake, but the head was squirming. The last thing she wanted to do was cause it pain. She scanned the area again, and saw in the nook of a large root, a flat stone. She grabbed it, and as if a knife, chopped off its head. 

She bent over, hunched against a tree, stomach turning. She thought she was going to throw up. And she almost did. She took a few deep breaths, making sure to relax her nerves before looking at the snake she just killed. She picked the snake up by the tail, and carried it back to the beach, along with some bananas. On the way, she saw something from the corner of her eye... She stopped, no, no way! She looked, yes! A patch of pineapples growing in the wild. She ran over to them. She picked one up, it was perfectly ripe from what she saw. About 100 feet away there was a very small land of water. Growing by it was a patch of wild sugar cane. She walked over to the sugar cane, examining it, she took out her carving knife. She cut off a long piece. She put it to her mouth, and sucked, so sweet. "Yup, that's sugar cane." She now knew this was in fact sugar cane, so she put the piece she had along with the snake and other items, and followed suit with as much as she could carry. She then made her way back to her brothers.

The Native Code (Co Written By CTHands)Where stories live. Discover now