Dustin's Suspicion

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Dustin had been walking for a while, and still hasn't found anything promising. Although he had found berries the color of green. They were perfectly round. He grabbed some and saved them until he saw Mike. He might know what was safe to eat. As he walked along, he made a mental note of where the berries were located. He observed the difference in environment from the beach to here. He heard the sound of crashing water in the distance, it sounded as if it could be a waterfall, and he started walking in that direction. Not moments later he found himself falling into dark space. His head hit against the ground as he fell into a ten foot deep hole.

Meanwhile, Carol and Mike are walking back towards the beach, when they realize it had been a while since they heard Dustin's whistle. Carol and mike blew their whistles and waited a few moments. A few minutes went by, and they hadn't heard the whistle blow. They were beginning to worry. They looked to each other with concerned looks.

"Do you think he's okay?" Mike asked.

Carol looked to him, "I sure hope so..."

All they could do was to go in the direction they last heard the whistle blow. And that is what they did.

Dustin woke to a pounding head, and darkness surrounding him. The slightest light was showing through the top of the hole in which he had fallen. The sun was beginning to set... How long had he been down there, he wondered. Where were Carol and Mike? He looks around for his whistle as he remembered a past agreement that if one were in trouble, they would blow the whistle twice. He lifted the whistle to his dry mouth and blew the whistle, long and hard two times. Almost immediately, he heard the signal whistle indicating they had heard him. He smiled, he now had hope that they would find him. Every few minutes he would blow the whistle again, to help lead them to him. He repeatedly tried to climb up the sides, but continuously failed. 

They ran in the direction in wich the sound of the whistle came from. Dustin heard the sound of twigs snapping. "Carol! Mike! Down here!"
A rope was thrown down to him. He quickly climbed up. Dustin looked around his surroundings. Carol! Mike!" They were no where to be seen.

"Dusty!" Mike ran to him.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah... How'd you get out?"

"You threw me the rope."

"No we didnt..."

"Then... There must be someone else on this island..." They looked to the rope and realized it was a number of twisted vines that had to be hand crafted.

Mike took the rope and flung it over his shoulder. They walked beside Dustin, who limped along, occaisionally rubbed the back of his head where he had hit it. "How much further?"

"It must be close now..." As they approached a corner, they saw it... The waterfall, raging and wild. It glistened as the sunset sky reflected off the bottom of the fresh water fall. They ran in the direction of the lowest bank and drank the water with their cupped hands. It burned their dry throats going down, but it felt so good. As they looked into the clear blue liquid, they realize that fish were swimming among them. They had found their fresh water resource, wich was refreshingly sweet and icy cold. They decided why the hell not and jumped in. The three of them hugged eachother and stood as one unit in the water.

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