So Close Yet So Far

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Everybody was working hard finding materials to repair the hut. Mike was in search for wood. he would be the best for this because of his scouts training. Dustin chose to work in the wreckage of the plane removing materials that could be of any use what so ever and Carol was banging out nails and screws from driftwood that they had gathered on the beach since their arrival. The day dragged on.  After they accomplished what they planned for the day they returned with their gains to the hut.  

During a cold dinner of bananas and left over snake they began discussing priorities. First thing they needed to accomplish was to fix the roof of the hut. In order to do that, Mike would make a ladder it was great that he  had found two perfect pieces of wood to utilize as sides and a few more  good sized scraps for the steps. He would take great care in making notches to prevent the steps from sliding so it would hold their weight and be safe enough for them to work on the roof and other high areas.  Insects needed to be removed along with the dried debris, bones, and such  and a front  door of some type needed to be made.  Eventually a covering over the fire needed to be built to prevent it from going out in the storms.

In the mid- afternoon when the ladder was ready, the brothers worked on the structure from the outside, as Carol tackled the inner core.  She had  made a makeshift broom out of a long rod of bamboo and palm leaves, this  allowed her to sweep the debris from within the hut. What a relief she wasn't afraid of insects, given how many there were scattering on the floor and nesting on the walls. With all the debris removed there was much more room for their living space.

Carol was outside scavenging through the debris of bones and branches to see if they could be used as knives, spoons, or any other use, when she first heard  a low hum.  Thinking it was some type of flying insect close to her she didn't pay much attention to it.  But it was becoming louder and louder as each moment went by.  Realizing that the hum was indeed the engine of a plane she jumped up shouting to her brothers that there was a plane close.  She flew toward the clearing at the beach hoping she had enough time.  Dustin ran to his backpack threw it over his shoulder and raced ahead of her.  Mike limped behind them hoping they got there in time to be seen. The humid fog covered the waters  edge and most of the beach clearing causing the S.O.S. to be covered from the pilot's vision.  Dustin reached quickly into his backpack and drew out the flair gun aimed it at the sky and nothing happened.  In dismay the flair remained in the gun without a spark to be seen.  Mike fell to his knees.  He screamed in dismay, "Come back, Come back!"  

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