Reality Sets In

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It had been a week since the big storm that ruined their shelter and the majority of their resources. Since then, they had found everything they needed, fresh water, accessible food, each other, but they had yet to find a shelter that could live up to the harsh winds when the rain came. The rain had been coming more often each day, and they had every reason to believe that the rainy season was coming upon them. And they would need to find a shelter soon.

They noticed unfamiliar berries and fruits growing nearby, but they were unsure of how safe they were to eat, so best to leave it alone. They of course had other means of food, for example, bananas, herbs, a few coconuts here and there, not to mention fish and small animals they were forced to kill for food from time to time. 

It was a grey and gloomy day, it looked as if a storm were coming, most likely not one that would quickly subside. The air was damp, and it was surprisingly humid and warm. All of their minds was on the need for a protective shelter. As their search for a shelter continues, they explore the island close to the waterfall and it's river. 

Dustin would occasionally return to the pit in which he had fallen into. There wasn't any sighs of recent human activity around it. On this day, he began scoping the area that appeared to be an old trail. It seemed to not be used in months. There were no current signs of humans near the trail, but plenty signs of animal life. 

He was a ways down the trail, when he spotted something unknown beyond a group of trees. He stood and stared a moment, then moved in to explore. He got a few feet in, when he saw that it was a wooden structure about the size of an average room where they were from. From the outside, he could tell it was in need of repair. The outer walls were decayed by the harsh weather. The roof had a few holes from his standing point. The place in which the door frame was located, was missing an actual door. The building also had no apparent windows. He entered the structure to further examine it. The floor of the building was a simple dirt floor. There were cobb webs along the walls from months of non use. There were apparent signs of animals entering the building, signs like tracks and animal bones. It was obvious an animal had died here, from the looks of the skeletal remains, possibly some form of a canine. 

He makes his way back to the waterfall to tell his brother and sister of the possible shelter he came across. He approached them with a mixed look of emotions. He sees his weapons laid out on a rock. He knew he didn't leave them there. Carol had her arms crossed in a questioning way. "What are these?"

"I didn't want you guys to worry, but, I don't have a choice but to tell you now... There is, or has been in the past, someone else on this island..."

"How do you know that? And what's with the weapons?"

"I found a building, definitely man made, in need of repair, but could work as a shelter. It's not far, we could get there by night fall. And about the weapons, with the hole, and the rope, I didn't know of anyone's intentions. I want to protect you two..."

"The best way to protect us is to keep us involved Dusty."

"I know that now. I'm sorry for not being truthful."

"So where's this shelter?" Mike asks Dusty. 

"Not far, a trail leads from the hole I fell in, right to the shelter. I think it's promising."

"Then let's do this." Carol says. 

The Native Code (Co Written By CTHands)Where stories live. Discover now