Steps Taken

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It had been two weeks since the plane went by, with no repeated sightings. Their new shelter was fully renovated, in the sense it was safe and comfortable enough to live in. Dustin made a shelf of bamboo to store their cooking supplies, along with three more shelves, for each of them to store their personal items. They didn't look beautiful, but they served it's purpose. Mike had suggested they dig a hole and line it with leaves to keep herbs, fruits and roots fresher. They created a fire pit for cooking and warmth, located a safe distance from the shelter. They rolled logs toward the fire to be used as seating. They weaved a wire rack for cooking on from the material from the plane. The biggest task they had accomplished recently was making make shift beds to sleep in. How they did this was actually quite simple... They cut the tattered sail they had found into good sized pieces, with these pieces, they stuffed them with soft and comfortable leaves and made three beds. They had also finally been able to build that covering over the fire and front of the shed like building. 

Today for them was any other typical day. They woke to the cawing of birds like parrots and similar ones and the chirping of insects nearby. Carol-Lynne woke early and started putting together grilled banana and a special tea made of different herbs to help boost their day. The boys soon crawl out of bed and sat by the fire where Carol-Lynne was working on breakfast. The fire began to warm their chilled bodies. They were well into the rainy season by now and so happy they had put the covering over the fire. It helped a great deal.

Carol places the grilled banana and cans of the liquid in front of them. Together they enjoy the breakfast and start their long day. Shortly they set out on their day to day tasks. Mike trekked to the beach while Carol goes to deeper into the jungle to gather as many ripe, safe berries as she can. Dustin sets out hunting and/or tracking and trapping small animals and birds. 

Carol was walking as she trips over a root in the ground. She takes a minute to collect herself then stands. As she does so, she spots something quite alarming. A set of footprints in the ground near the fall. These couldn't have belonged to either her nor her brothers, because whoever this was had bare feet. She quickly returned to camp. Upon her arrival, she blew the whistle three times to alert her brothers of something being wrong. They each quickly blow their whistles in acknowledgement of her needing help. The return in only a few moments and they all sit by the fire. 

Dustin looked more concerned than anyone upon his return. Like he had seen something. 

"Dusty, what is it?" Carol questions. 

"I saw a glimpse of what looked to be a man in the jungle, about two miles away."

"And I found bare footed footprints by the falls."

"Dusty, Carol, I'm scared..." Mike states.

"Mike, Carol, listen to me... I know you two didn't and don't approve of the weapons, but now more than ever I need you two to have a weapon on you at all times."

"Dustin-Lee, I won't!" Carol demands. 

"I'm not gonna sit here and let a damn thing happen to either of you! So I'm not asking, I'm telling!"

She picks up her backpack and a long spear and her swiss army knife. She storms off into the jungle to blow off some steam. She steps closer to the fall and takes off her plaid button up shirt and is only in her tank top and jean shorts. She places her closed knife in her bra and places the backpack, shirt and spear on a rock by the falls. She steps into the cool waters and goes under. She is soaked now, the waters soon begin to cool her nerves. 

She sees the branches of a blueberry like bush move in the distance. She's quiet as the chills escape her and send her to shiver. She slowly walks out of the water and slowly grabs her spear. I don't even know how to use this dang thing!  She thinks silently to herself. She walks quietly over to the bush holding the spear in both hands. When she reaches it, a face shows itself in the dim moonlight. She jumps back in shock and confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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