Chapter 2

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I became numb for a minute. I didn't speak. Nor did Chloe. After a long silence that filled the air with tension, I turned through the pages... "This is not possible. How can the words change? And that too into my name? Like is this book magical or something? Who could be messing with me? I am freaking out. Chloe. What the hell is goin-"

"Stop." Chloe said "Calm down. Deep breaths. Okay... so, how did it become your name?"

"That was exactly what I asked you," I said shooting her a glare.

"You know it's actually cool. Just open it."

"It is not cool. It is Creepy!"

"Just check it out before you freak out, okay?"

"Let's see," I flipped to find the next page. I was still a little scared deep inside. But I pretended to be all cool about it. That is when my phone rang on my study table. It was Lucas, my boyfriend. We have been dating for around half a year and honestly, he has made my life better in many ways. I feel like he has a problem with me being more into my friends and my phone. And it is true that I never really spent any time with him nowadays, but it is not because I don't like him or anything.

"It's Lucas. Should I answer it?" I asked Chloe.

"It's either Lucas first or the book, which one do you want?"

My curiosity took over me, "The book"

"Fine, let's get this over with," Chloe said narrowing her eyes towards the book.

"Maybe I have to answer it," I said reconsidering my options.

"No, you don't, you meet him every day. But this book. Aren't you curious about it? It could be your life-changing book."

"Life-changing book? Really Chloe?"

"Yeah, really. I read a book once and I got so inspired that I was walking by and I saw this kid and she was smiling at me and then that reminded me of the little girl who died in the book and then I gave my candy bar to her. And she became so happy and I realized that I was happier than ever. Then she was- "

"Okay. nice story Chloe, but can we focus?" I interrupted her and turned one more page. The first page had marked the date. 1/1/2017.(1st January 2017). And now it was September 2018.

It started with me waking up and fighting with Mike because he took my sock,(Eww, why would he do that) Then me going to Chloe's person and the exact conversation as I had it with her. And then it had me spending the new year with my family and Chloe and everyone. The chapter was too that long it lasted for 18 pages, even though it had the smallest font. The book was thick enough to hold each and every detail of my life. From January 1st, 2017.

I was kind of thrilled wondering how could someone know so much about me, how is that even possible? I turned more pages. It all had dates and what happened that day, all the information. I turned until my hands started aching. The book was so cool, I decided to open it later because I couldn't finish the whole book. I knew that no one knew so much about me. Not even Chloe. Not even me. I didn't remember fighting with Mike for a sock. A red sock as it was mentioned in the book. 

And a part of me hoped that Chloe doesn't open that book while I am not around, There were many things that I didn't want Chloe to know, like that once I hated one of her boyfriends who, by the way, she loved so much and I was the reason they broke up. If she finds out, she is gonna kill me. So I couldn't let her open the book alone.

It was getting late so Chloe had to leave. I just kept the book safe inside my shelf where I kept my unused kinds of stuff and books, like most of my school textbooks.

While lying in bed at night I wondered how it got in there. It could have been anything. I literally had to throw that book where I got it. But at the same time, it was so awesome how my entire life was recorded in a single book. (Not entire, but one whole year is still too much). And what am I supposed to with this creepy mysterious book? A million thoughts filled my head. But all the thoughts faded away as I faded into a peaceful sleep... 


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