Chapter 5

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"What?" Chloe asked in surprise after I showed her what I had just discovered. The book could actually tell me what is gonna happen in the future. And everything about this book is getting crazier day by day. I actually felt like I was gonna pass out or something. How could this even be happening

"This is bad. Really bad. Like super duper bad." I said my putting my palms on my face.

"No dude. This is awesome. Like really awesome. Like super duper awesome." Chloe said turning through the pages.

"Look at that," She said reading it out loud and laughing, "It says that Mrs. Wilcon is gonna get fired. I can't wait for that. Remember when she put us in detention just for passing chits in class? She deserves it, totally. And the reason is even funnier its because she was-"

"Chloe, I am gonna throw this book away like right now."

"No. This is an amazing book that contains your future, you are not throwing it away."

"Fine, I wanna see what is gonna happen to me, but if it causes any more trouble we are throwing it away."

"Okay, I totally agree."


Days passed and the book was really helpful. It was telling me what was going to happen. But it happened just like the book said. No matter how early I read it and tried to change it, I just couldn't. Well, everything was going fine until one day Chloe walked in and opened the book. And for a second we thought it was going to change into her life. But nothing happened. We just stared at each other. We were so relieved. But the problem was that since then Chloe opened the book whenever she wanted. And I was not comfortable with that. There were a lot of things in that I didn't want her to see. 

I know it doesn't exactly make me sound like a good person, but I was the reason Chloe broke up with one of her best boyfriends whom she loved so much. His name was Mark and he was super hot and I was kind of jealous of them both and I wanted the best for her. So, I decided to get him out of our lives. I had to lie to him. I told him that Chloe didn't wanna go out with him anymore. And he believed it. And I said Chloe that he was cheating on her with another girl and she believed it too. I was so proud of myself at the moment. But I regretted it for the rest of my life. And that is one of the very few things that I lied to Chloe about.

This and some other things that I didn't want her to know was in there. So whenever she opened the book, I made sure she didn't read it much. 

And Lucas has been avoiding me too much. First of all, he blew me up on homecoming and now he is ignoring my texts and my calls. It's like he is showing me what he felt like all that while when I did it to him. When I gave him less importance. And it is a really bad feeling. If he is trying to make me miserable, he is doing a great job. 

After school, I walked into my room and Chloe was sitting and reading THE BOOK. without my permission. Why was she in my room before me?

"Chloe? What the hell?" I said snatching the book away from her.


"You have no right to just peep into my life"

"Oh really? Your life now, is it? And why can't I?"

"You just can't do that. I need my privacy. So please just leave the book alone."

"Seriously? Who was there by your side every freaking day of the last 6 years? Who supported you through all your breakups and who helped you when you got the damn book? It's all ME! SO I guess I have the right to go through your life and see whatever you are willing to hide from me."

"I am not hiding anything."

"So, let me read it then."

"I can't." I sighed.

"FINE!" She said and walked out the door. 

I wanted to know what was gonna happen now. Were we going to make up or keep fighting for days? So, I turned to the page titled 27th October and started reading through the events that just happened. 

{Seriously? Who was there by your side every freaking day of the last 6 years? Who supported you through all your breakups and who helped you when you got the damn book? It's all ME! SO I guess I have the right to go through your life and see whatever you are willing to hide from me."

"I am not hiding anything."

"So, let me read it then."

"I can't." I sighed

"FINE!" She said and walked out the door.

A little while later, I hear a crashing voice and rush to the window and I see Chloe lying there in a pool of blood-"}

I stopped reading and rushed to the window and it actually happened! I ran down the stairs screaming her name. My eyes filled with tears and my mind started feeling tense. My mom followed me out. I ran out and took a last glimpse of the car that hit her driving away and then I ran towards her and fell on my knees.

"Wake up Chloe! Just wake up. I am SORRY!" I screamed my lungs out and looked at her my eyes overrun by tears, sitting beside her, in the middle of the road in a pool of blood...


Chloe was recovering and finally, after waiting for hours, visitors were allowed. I didn't know what to tell her. I took a deep breath and entered the room.

"Hey," I said in a low voice.


"I am really sorry, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"You are right, it is your fault."

"Chloe, it was there in the book. Everything about your accident. Where. When. Which car and many other things. And it happened. And I couldn't do anything to stop it. I am sorry."

"Did that bitch or asshole or whatever stop the car and get off to help me?"

"It was a girl and No. she didn't stop the car to help you. She just slowed down and then she drove off again."

"If I ever find that bitch, she is dead."

"Okay. Sounds good. But right now, you need rest, meanwhile, I am gonna go and try to find more about the book and Linda and her rude sister, Helda." I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.


After a lot of following, I ended up finding that Helda is going into the woods every day. I saw her returning from the woods after we return from school. But she was reaching there while we were in school. Doesn't she have a job or something? Well, it was a scheduled time, so we decided to follow her to see what is up with her. And also her car was the one that hit Chloe. It was her. When I told Chloe, she freaked out and promised to kill her. She was going there to do something or meet someone. 

But right now Chloe was not really in a condition to go around in the woods spying on a girl. So I decided to let it rest. And Chloe's leg was still not well, so I had to carry her around in her wheelchair. But I was fine with it. it was my fault she was in that wheelchair, so the least I could do was help her in her condition. 

I really thought about the book and how crazy my life has turned out to be. It was actually happening. Whatever the book said, it just happened. After the book came along, many crazy things happened. I am caught up on a dead girl and her family. I can know what is going to happen to me in the next minute. I and Chloe had a serious fight. Chloe got in an accident and now she is in a wheelchair. Mike got a girlfriend. My mom is trying out for a new job. It's just all things I thought would never happen. But it was actually happening. 

But the craziest thing is still Mike getting a girlfriend.


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