Chapter 17

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Only 5 more hours for 12:00 midnight, and I still didn't die. I have no idea how I spent the past hours. Each time we heard a noise made by wind or trees we took out our gun, thinking that it would be the killer. But it never was. Time moved so slow, At some point, I felt like to die as soon as possible. I just wanted to see the person who is doing these horrible things, and then kill him. 'I could do it' I said myself, but that didn't change anything. Deep inside I was still worried about killing someone. I was feeling so sleepy and bored. I wanted to sit by the river alone and rethink my whole life.

I walked up to the river and watched the dark night sky filled with shining stars. Suddenly, I heard a rustle of leaves behind me. I turned back and clutched the gun tight in my hands. "Chloe, Is that you?" I asked getting up and turning my face away from the lake.

And then a hand grabbed my mouth from behind and tried to take my gun. The black gloved hands tightened on my mouth and snatched my gun away. I tried my best not to panick. I took deep breathes and stayed as peaceful as possible. I didn't say a word. And the hands were taken away from my mouth and I tried to run. But a person in a black jacket and black face mask held tight to my hand and I screamed because I was not armed and Linda had an extra gun for safety. "Linda, Help!"

It was a guy. I made up my mind it was. He pointed the gun on my forehead. I tried to stay still. I didn't know what to do. I have never been in this situation before. A gun to my forehead was not what I expected to happen to me on New Year's Eve. This was not a chance everyone got. To experience death in front of you. I just replayed my entire life. I remembered the perfect life I had on the first day of this year and the last day of this year, there I was. I build up the courage to talk. "Please, show me your face, or at least your name. Give me something." I said sobbing.

His gun lowered from my forehead. His eyes went all guilty. His eyes were the only things visible on his face. He was almost saying something. "I am-" he was cut off by a voice behind me.

"HANDS IN THE AIR!" Linda screamed pointing the gun at the killer. Then she turned towards me. "I am sorry, I know I am late. I was searching for the gun."

"You should have taken care of your gun," Helda said.

"It doesn't matter now. Does it?" Chloe said. "Anyway, we are going to kill him off."

"I said HANDS IN THE AIR!" Linda repeated. The killer didn't move.

"Guys, listen. We must give him a chance to-"

"Chance? Are you freaking mad? He was about to kill you. And you still wanna give him a chance?" Chloe asked staring right into my eyes.

"This might be the first and last time I say this but you are right," Helda said looking at Chloe.

Linda clutched so tight onto her gun and screamed, "PUT YOUR GUN DOWN."

He put his gun down. And didn't move. Linda walked closer towards him. I didn't speak a word the entire time as I was so horrified. His hand reached up to the mask he wore. He started pulling the mask. He revealed his face. My eyes widened and i started feeling tears rolling down. I couldn't believe my eyes



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