Chapter 6

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Almost a month passed, I had too many tests and so I was too busy to think about the book. Chloe's leg has completely recovered. Sometimes she may need a little support, but no more wheelchair. And it was October so we had holidays. I love this part of the year. Many festivals like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, everything happens at the end of the year.

For Thanksgiving, I went away to my cousin's house. It was so much fun. Almost every year we celebrate Thanksgiving at theirs. Halloween was the most fun. I celebrated it with Chloe. We hosted this amazing costume party which was attended by my brother Mike and his friends and many other children. Even though we were the hosts of the party we were up in my room watching horror movies. Things are going great.

And about Lucas, I haven't talked to him for a long time. Sometimes, I feel like he is avoiding me. But, I love him. I always loved him. But I have never kissed him. Yeah. I know it's crazy. I have not kissed him on the lip properly. But, He has always understood me. If it was some other guy, he would have dumped me by now. Because I never spend much time with him

And my brother Mike almost found out about the book. He is suspecting me. I tried to be more careful about the book.

Next day in school, everyone was glad that the exams were over. After Lunch, we had History, and we were getting ready to go. Everyone in the class was busy talking. I took the book and from under my desk, I checked the future. I read the page marked as 3/11/2018. It said that Mrs. Mitchell will enter the class with a stack of question papers and conduct a surprise test on chapter 5. And there will be no one who gets above 15 in 20. Not even Jenna, the nerd of the class. But I will get it. And she also announces that the three students who get the best marks will be given the next History period free. That was a weird offer, I guess she found out that everyone hates her class, and the best reward she could give was a free period. 

So that meant, I have to learn before the teacher comes. I took out the history book. And I also informed Chloe about it. As said in the book Mrs. Mitchell came with a stack of question papers.

"Good morning class." She announced. "I will be distributing these. It's a surprise test. Chapter 5. Well, let's see what you learned."

"But, ma'am the tests are already over," Jenna said in a low voice.

"What Jenna, I didn't quite hear you."

"Nothing ma'am." She said in a voice filled with tension.

"Everybody ready?" She asked grinning

"Yes, ma'am." I and Chloe said in unison.

"Okay, then." She said her grin fading away. "Three people who get the best marks will be getting my next period free."

And the whole class was filled with 'what's and 'why's. Some people were asking her extra time to study. But she distributed the papers and said "start."

Everyone was having a puzzled look on their face, except me and Chloe.

We finished our paper and submitted it as soon as possible. I had only skipped one question of one mark. But she announced that Chloe got 20 marks out of 20. So she left. As she left she mouthed the word, "Library."

"Did anyone else get all the answers correct?" Mrs. Mitchell

No one said anything. "You can leave." She said to me. 

"Thanks." We said and hurried out of the class as fast as possible.

As instructed by Chloe, I went into the library, and she was reading some book. I took the book away from her, "Let's go."


"Come on Chloe." I said and she hurried towards us.

"This is the best time to roam around."

"Let's go." I repeated again.

We were roaming and we saw our principal Mr. Hallister. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" He asked.

"We have a free period," I said.

"And do you have any plans?"

"Library. We are going to the library." Chloe said

"Good." He said and walked away.

"Is he dumb?" I asked

"Yeah. He is. he didn't notice that we were coming  from the library."

"Mr.Hallister was always dumb."

Then we roamed around the cafeteria and had some snacks. We had a lot of fun. It was because of the book. We walked around and gossipped a lot. A girls day out you could say. 

I remembered the look on Lucas' face when I completed the test and I am pretty sure he would ask me how I nailed it and why I was smiling when she declared the test. But since he has been avoiding me, it's not really a problem. 

I was glad we had a free period tomorrow too. History became the best subject.

Just for a day though.


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