Introduction: The CATastrophic Beginning

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      Right now, in a planet that isn't far far away called earth, there is an evil cat who lived in a cat shelter down the street. This cat that was so evil, they had to keep him stored away from the other cats in order to avoid harm. This cat was so evil that the cat shelter was trying their hardest to get rid of him by shipping him off with one of the foolish customers who walked in. 

     Every time someone showed interest in this cat, he would almost kill them. This made him very hard to get rid of. One day a fool named Harold walked into the cat shelter's trap and left with this mess of a cat. This is where our story begins. 

     About a year ago in the underworld, a medium-sized dude stood beside a medium-sized dude who were both named Dude and said,

      "Dude, the underworld is getting really boring." The medium-sized dude turned to the medium-sized dude and said,

      "We all know its boring down here but what else are we supposed to do instead Dude."  Dude turned towards Dude and said, 

     "I'm sick of playing 'Undertale' I've beat it so many times lets go troll some humans instead Dude."

      "That's a great Idea Dude." Dude replied, 

     "what should we do Dude?"

      "I don't know dude, maybe create an evil cat or something?"

      "That's a good idea dude!" Dude got excited and yelled out 

     "Dude! that's a really awesome idea!" Dude said, 

     "Dude, remember that part of 'Undertale' where the head of the dog stretched out of the screen?"

     "Yeah, I remember that Dude!"

     "We should give the cat that ability Dude!" 

     "That's a good idea Dude!" After that Dude and Dude set out to create a brand-new cat of death to troll the humans above.

     At the cat shelter down the street, a customer named George was about to walk through the entrance of the shelter when suddenly everything went black. As anyone else would do George started to panic. 

     He turned around and attempted to run, but the more he tried to run the less he would move. Suddenly, a cat with horrendously massive claws and an evil look in his eyes summoned in front of him. 

     The cat pounced towards this human and attempted to claw his face apart. George screamed and screamed but nobody came! Suddenly this cat's claws tore through his face leaving George on the side of the road to bleed out.

     Later that day a medium-sized woman walked out of the shelter and stared at George in horror. She screamed at the top of her lungs 

     "How could this happen! "I thought this book was supposed to be a light-hearted comedy!" "not a horror novel!" 

     She grabbed the cat, ran back inside, and called an ambulance. After that, she looked down at the cat and said, 

     "Such a poor cat needing to witness such a terrible event." She cleaned off the cat's claws and slam-dunked him in the cage with the other cats. This was one of her biggest mistakes yet.

     Until the next day, outside of the shelter, you could hear loud sirens roaming the streets gathering up the dead body. The next day all the cats in the cage have been sliced to bits except for one. This is when the employees realized they need to get rid of this cat as soon as possible. This is the story of Maple! 

 This is the story of Maple! 

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