Chapter 9 The CATputer

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    Falcon and Hunter show up at Harold's house for a quick investigation. They enter all the rooms except for the garage. After that, Falcon and Hunter left. They did however find 10 whole pizzas on the kitchen counter which they proceeded to eat.

     Meanwhile, Harold was out shopping for a new computer. 

     "Is there anything I can help you with?" asked the lady at the front. 

     "Well, I threw my computer across the room because I was mad at 'Discord' and smashed the screen. Is there any way I can get a refund?" 

     The lady looked at him with a weird expression and said, 

     "I'm sorry, but you are liable for what you have done." 

     "But I got the extended warranty!" He said.

      The lady laughed and said, 

     "You actually fell for that scam! That only covers damage caused by stuff that isn't your fault!" 

     "But it wasn't my fault! It was 'Discord's' fault!" he replied.

      The lady laughed and asked, 

     "Why are you in a Naruto costume?" 

     "Well, I was in the middle of a 'Naruto' Marathon when suddenly..."

     Dude turned towards Dude and said, 

     "I don't think we need to rewrite all of chapter 8 again Dude." 

     "But it was a funny chapter and people like flashbacks!" Replied Dude. 

     "People may like flashbacks, but not ones that were just shown one chapter ago Dude! People only like them if they don't remember that part of the story very well Dude." said Dude. 

     "Okay, then how about we flashback to the first chapter instead Dude." 

     "That's a good idea Dude!"

                                                            chapter 1 the cat with CAT-itude

     Outside of a medium-sized house, there was fresh grass full of many CATerpillars, and a small driveway in the middle with a truck backed into it. The door on the side of the truck swung open and out walked a tall man with a cage and a maple-colored cat inside it. 

     He walked through the door and was greeted by two small kids named Mike and Drop. These two kids ran towards him yelling 

     "let me see him!" Mike got to him faster and said, 

     "Me first!" 

     "no me!" said Drop. Harold put down the cage and let the cat out. The 'cute' cat stumbled out of his cage and stared at the two kids. suddenly, four arms reached out and grabbed him at the same time.

      "I want to play with him!" Screamed Mike as he tugged the legs of the cat away from Drop. Drop tugged back saying, 

     "No, I want to play with him!" Suddenly the cat glared at Mike causing him to let go. After that the cat stared at Drop and she let go too. Both kids stare at each other, both confused with what just happened. 

     Harold walked upstairs and said, 

     "I am going to get the house ready for the cat! You kids can keep playing with him some more!" He waited for a response from the kids, but nothing came out of their mouth's.

Night 1, 12:00 Am Harold had been awoken by some strange noises he heard from the kitchen...

     "Um, Dude? I think this is a little bit ridiculous, this is literally just a bunch of stupid filler. Not to mention the fact that everybody already read this. This part wasn't even that funny Dude."

     "So, you're telling me that Harold randomly deciding to buy a computer isn't random filler Dude?" 

     "No, Dude that's important!"

      "It's not like I can change what Harold decides to do. You do remember this is a true story, right?" Asked Dude. 

     "Well, you could have at least taken that part out of the story Dude." 

     "But then we would miss that funny joke about extended warranty Dude!"

      "You know what really annoys me with this chapter Dude, is the fact that after all the crazy stuff that happened last chapter, Harold is more worried about his computer than anything else." 

     "Technology is pretty addicting Dude.

      "Wait a minute Dude, what is Drop up to right now Dude? I don't think we were paying enough attention to her." 

     "Oh yeah! I forgot about that character Dude! I bet a lot of our readers did too!" 

     "Maybe we should go see what she's up to dude." 

     "Yeah dude, that's probably a good plan."

     As Drop sat in her room, she felt she had nothing better to do than watch a bunch of random unboxing videos she found on the internet. As she sat there, she started thinking about how somebody must take down Maple before he commits genocide.

      She knew that she was the only one capable of such an amazing feat. She turned off the computer and started her daily training activities. 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run every single day until she goes bald. No air conditioning in the summer, and no heat in the winter. This is how I am going to take down Maple, she thought. Maple, your gonna have a bad time.

     Night 7 6:00 AM: Harold had been awakened by a strange crashing sound coming from the kitchen. As he walked into the kitchen, Maple jumped out and slit his throat.

 As he walked into the kitchen, Maple jumped out and slit his throat

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