Chapter 1 The Cat With CAT-itude

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      Outside of a medium sized house there was fresh grass full of many CATerpillars, and a small driveway in the middle with a truck backed into it. The door on the side of the truck swung open and out walked a tall man with a cage and a maple colored cat inside it. He walked through the door and was greeted by two small kids named Mike and Drop.

      The two kids ran towards him yelling, 

     "let me see him!" Mike got to him faster and said, 

     "Me first!" 

     "no, me!" said Drop. Harold put down the cage and let the cat out. The 'cute' cat stumbled out of his cage and stared at the two kids. suddenly, four arms reached out and grabbed him at the same time.

      "I want to play with him!" Screamed Mike as he tugged the legs of the cat away from Drop. Drop tugged back yelling,

     "no, I want to play with him!" Suddenly the cat glared at Mike causing him to let go. after that, the cat stared at Drop and she let go too. Both kids stared at each other both confused with what just happened.

      Harold walked upstairs and said, 

     "I am going to get the house ready for the cat! You kids can keep playing with him some more!" He waited for a response from the kids, but nothing came out of their mouths.

     Night 1, 12:00AM, Harold had been awoken by some strange noises he heard from the kitchen. Harold was slightly frightened by these sounds, but he was too tired to do anything about it. Suddenly, he heard a loud crashing sound of sharp objects falling on the floor. Harold stumbled out of bed, turned on the light and walked out of his room.

      As he walked into the kitchen, Harold felt a creepy vibe running down his arm and a creepy-looking shadow of a cat. The cat was holding some sort of sharp object in his right hand. Directly after, Harold slammed the light switch with all of his might, and you will not believe what he saw.

      Standing in front of Harold was a cat, with a knife in one hand, and a sandwich on the table which he was cutting in half. Harold got really confused. He slowly backed away from Maple and back to his room where he hid until the next day.

     Night 2, 1:00AM Harold had been awoken by loud music playing from the garage. Harold was very moved by these sounds and wasn't too lazy to see what it was. Suddenly, he heard a big bang of heavy items falling on concrete. Harold pounced out of bed and danced down to the basement. 

     As he walked into the basement, he felt a sick beat running through his legs and saw a muscular cat with a weight in his left hand and a boom box on the floor flexing to the sick beat of the national anthem. Harold ran up to his room to grab his newest records from his closet to show them off to Maple.

     Night 3, 2:00AM Harold had been awakened by a cat falling off of the shelf. What a strange dream he thought. Should have known cats don't like national anthems or sandwiches.

The next day in the underground...

     Dude was sitting beside Dude reading something on a strange website. Dude looked over at Dude and said, 

     "what are you doing Dude?" 

     "Reading an x-reader." 

     "What's an x-reader?" 

     "Nothing you have to worry about Dude." Dude laughed nervously and looked at the screen.

      "who's Homer Simpson." 

     "My husbando." Dude laughed hysterically and asked,

      "Where do you get these strange books off of anyways Dude?" 

     "Well there's this site called 'Wattpad' where you can find really awesome stories like this one!"

      "sounds weird Dude," Said Dude.

      " Guess what Dude I'm actually writing one on 'Wattpad' right now based on us." 

     "It's not a yaoi is it?"

     "No of course not Dude! Unless you want it to be," he says with a wink in his eye. "It's actually 'The Story of Maple.'" 

      "Can't wait to read it Dude."

     Mike, Drop, and Harold were debating what the name of the cat should be. 

     "We should name him Jerry!" suggested Drop.

     "Isn't that the mouse from Tom and Jerry?" asked Mike. 

     "No, its the cat!" said Drop.

     "So, you are telling me that my entire life is a lie?" 

     "I don't know, but what I do know is you are wrong, and I am right so deal with it."

      Harold turned towards the kids with an evil look and said in a deep, dark, evil-sounding voice 

     "his name is Maple!" The kids got creeped out a little and Drop said, 

     "okay sure, but where did you get this idea from." 

     "I don't know, I just got a strange vibe coming from the floor and I know that naming him Maple is the right thing to do." Mike raised his voice and said,

     "Let's give it up for Maple!" Everyone cheered at the top of their lungs,

     "Maple! Maple! Maple!"

     "Maple! Maple! Maple!"

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'The story of Maple' Hilarious Book For Nerds! (Maple The Serial Killer Cat)Where stories live. Discover now