Chapter 5 CATualties

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     The next day, Harold was reading a news article stating that many students from 'Wayside' mysteriously went missing yesterday. There was little evidence of where these kids have gone or how they went missing. It almost seemed like these kids were taken away by someone or something that isn't even human.

      Harold turned towards Drop and said, 

     "I heard a lot of kids haven't been showing up to school recently. Do you know anything about this?" Drop replied, 

     "I did notice there seemed to be fewer and fewer people in the classroom as the day went on, but I didn't think too much about it."

      Harold looked at Drop with a serious face and said, 

     "I want you to be very careful who you talk to and who you hang out with for now on okay?" Drop said, 

     "Okay fine, but why are you randomly saying this stuff anyways."

     "No reason," replied Harold. Mike entered the room and said, 

     "Pretty soon I am going to become internet famous! My newest post just got 300 new likes!"

      "What is it about?" asked Drop. 

     "It's about how Brook went missing yesterday." Drop gave Mike the stink eye and said, 

     "Brook went missing yesterday? Are you sure?" 

     "Of course! along with many other students as well!"

 "You shouldn't be talking about kids going missing like that. This isn't a good thing, this is a bad thing!" Said Drop. Mike looked at her confused and said, 

     "But you were just doing the same thing a few days ago!" 

     "Yeah, well that was different! That was somebody I didn't care about! I didn't even know who they where so who cares if they go missing or die!" she said.

      Harold tried to end the argument by saying, 

     "You both have very good points, for now on only post about people going missing if we don't care about them okay?" The room went silent.

     As Drop walked into the school today, she noticed there where even more kids missing from her classroom than there was yesterday. however, she didn't think too much about it. The teacher walked into the classroom and looked around the room. There where only 17 students left in the classroom. She didn't think too much about it either, as nobody expected there would be two days in a row with so many kids going missing.

     Back in the underworld, Dude was having a stupid debate with Dude about how there needs to be a little bit more to the story than just kids randomly going missing all the time. 

     "Dude, instead of telling Maple to bury the kids after he kills them, don't you think it would be more dramatic if he left them in plain sight where they would be more easily found?" asked Dude. 

     "Yeah Dude, just imagine the looks on the kids faces as they find their best friends dead bodies all over the school, that is sure to cause more engagement with the reader's Dude!"

      "Yeah Dude, we should make it really gory too! That would be really engaging Dude!" said Dude. 

     "When it comes to stories, everybody likes to have disturbingly gory moments every once and a while right Dude?" 

     "Exactly Dude! What are you drawing over their Dude?"

      "Just some fan art Dude," said Dude. 

     "You mind if I take a look, do you?" Dude held the notepad up to his chest and replied, 

     "No Dude, I would rather you didn't do that." 

     "Why not?" asked Dude. Dude looked at him in silence for a moment trying to come up with an excuse and eventually said, 

     "It's not done yet Dude!" 

     "I see Dude, can't wait till you finish it!" Dude looked at him with a worried face. 

     Maple entered the lab and Dude told him to stop burying the dead bodies and hide them in places where people may actually end up finding them. Maple agreed and headed back to the earth's surface.

     After taking the attendance, the teacher left the room to go grab some photocopies from the printer. After 5 minutes, the teacher still hasn't returned to the room. As usual, the entire class was goofing off because there was nobody to tell them what to do. After 10 minutes, the teacher still hadn't returned, so the kids started throwing chairs around the room for fun. After 20 minutes, there was a scream from the back of the classroom.

      The kids slowly turned around and a giant cat pounced out from in between their backpacks and stabbed one of the kids in the eyes. The kids started to scream for help, but nobody came! Maple grabbed a pair of scissors from the teacher's desk and started to chase the kids over to the door. 

     The kids attempted to open the door but since this is taking place in a book, the door was locked and unable to open. You may call this a cliché, but it isn't because this is based on a true story and is not fictional. 

     Maple started stabbing the kids in the back and eventually all the kids in the classroom where left dead on the floor, except for Drop. Why you may ask? Because she's the main character of coarse! The main characters can't die off that easy! Maple mysteriously disappeared as he heard the sound of police cars roaming the streets heading toward the school. Drop was left there crying in the corner like a little baby.

     "Dude, do you think we may have taken this a little bit too far? I think the story might be too fast-paced now," asked Dude. Dude replied, 

     "Don't worry about it Dude, we still have to get somewhere in this story eventually don't we?" 

     "Yeah, I guess Dude. I know we did agree on making this story a little bit gorier, but are you sure we didn't go a little bit overboard?" 

     "No way Dude! Gore is awesome!" said Dude. 

     "Whatever you say Dude."


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'The story of Maple' Hilarious Book For Nerds! (Maple The Serial Killer Cat)Where stories live. Discover now