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The sun seeping through the window woke me up the next morning. To my surprise, we were both in the same position we fell asleep in last night. I smiled, looking up at Whizzer's peaceful, sleeping face. I then decided to close my eyes in an attempt to get more sleep.
But, as luck would have it, the phone rang. I silently cursed, attempting to get out of bed without waking Whizzer, which I surprisingly did successfully.
Finally, I reached the phone, just as the machine started.
"Hello?" I answered groggily.
"Marv?" Charlotte's voice came through.
"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "Why'd you call? You live right next door."
"I'm at work. I forgot to tell you yesterday, your appointment with Mendel is today at two..."
I glanced at the clock which read nine thirty-two. I sighed, saying, "Okay. Thanks,"
"How've you been?"
"I'm fine,"
"Are you taking the pills?"
"Yes, Char, I'm taking the pills."
"I'm not lying! You can ask Whiz when he wakes up!"
She laughed quietly. "I gotta go; I'll talk to you later."
I hummed. "Okay, bye, Char."

Shaking my head, I hung up, setting the phone back on the receiver. I can't believe she doesn't believe me!
Well, now I was too awake to go back to sleep, so I might as well make some coffee and get ready for my therapy appointment. Not that it'll probably do anything. Mendel barely counts as a therapist; the man doesn't know anything and it's a wonder how he ever made it through uni.

When I went into the bedroom to grab my clothes, Whizzer started to stir, which made me freeze. The last thing I wanted to do was wake him up.
"Marv? What're you doing?" He asked quietly, in a deep morning voice.
"Shh, go back to sleep. Don't worry about what I'm doing," I hushed, slowly closing the drawer I had just taken a flannel shirt out of. Then, I proceeded to slowly open a different drawer, take out a pair of pants, not really caring what style or color they were, and closed the drawer. Who says I have to look nice for therapy?
"Are you going somewhere?" He asked, morning voice slowly going away.
"I have to go see Mendel at two,"
"What time is it now?"
"About twenty to ten."
He nodded, already drifting back to sleep. I smirked, planting a kiss on his head before going to the bathroom to get dressed.
There, I examined the cuts from last night, running my fingers over the newly formed scabs.  I couldn't decide if I was proud of them or not, which I know is a weird thought process, but when I think about last night, I don't just see it as a relapse, I see it as winning. I mean, I silenced my thoughts by doing it, so isn't that some kind of win?
I guess that's something I could bring up to Mendel later...
I still don't wanna go, but I know if I don't, I'll get yelled at by basically everyone I know.

Closer to eleven, Whizzer finally got out of bed, stopping in the kitchen for a cup of coffee before joining me on the couch.
"You slept in pretty late," I bugged.
"I didn't get to sleep until closer to one thirty," He smirked, taking a sip of coffee. "I think that merits sleeping in."
I hummed in response, paying very little attention to the TV. My mind was stuck worrying about seeing Mendel later. Whizzer seemed to sense I was worrying about something, not necessarily this, but he could definitely tell something was wrong.
"What's up?" He asked, shifting to face me.
"Nothing?" I replied. Try as I might to make it sound like a statement, the word came out as a question.
"Seriously, what's wrong?"
"Marvin, you can't keep doing this."
"Doing what? I'm just tired of being the topic of conversations. It makes me feel narcissistic and weird. Isn't it bad enough that I have to see Mendel today? Do we really have to put this on top of that?"
He sighed. "Okay, fine."
"Look, I understand you're concerned, but you really don't have to be... Okay?"
He nodded.
"You don't seem convinced."
"Maybe because I'm not."
I sighed. "What'd'ya want me to do?"
"I don't know,"
"Clearly you do."
"No, Marvin, I don't. I'm already getting tired of trying."
"I've changed the subject twice since you've been here!"
"Can we not fight?"
I cocked an eyebrow, saying nothing.

We both stayed silent, watching the TV until I absolutely had to leave which was around quarter to.
"I'll be back a little after three," I said quietly, standing up.
Just as I had one foot out the door, Whizzer called out, "Love you,"
I chuckled. "Love you, too."

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