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"Marv, wake up," Whizzer gently shook my shoulder.
I groaned, pulling the duvet over my head.
He quietly giggled. "C'mon, get up. We've got stuff to do today."
I groaned again, shifting.
He sighed and I felt the weight beside me lift, meaning he'd gotten up. I relaxed for a moment before the duvet and sheets were yanked off of me.
I shot up, glaring at him. "What the hell!"
He smirked, dropped the covers on the floor and said, "Get up." before leaving.
I sighed, flopping back down on the bed, running my hands down my face. I glanced at the clock seeing it read nine a.m.

After a few minutes, I finally got up and turned on the coffee pot before joining Whiz on the couch.
"I don't understand how you can be so alert and happy at nine in the morning without coffee," I muttered, plopping down beside him.
He laughed softly at my comment and wrapped an arm around me, gently rubbing my arm. I rested my head on his shoulder, ready to fall asleep again until he moved his shoulder, jolting me awake.
I groaned and got up to check the pot.

"Don't be such a killjoy," Whiz laughed as I left.
"Oh, I'm sorry, should I be overly peppy and excited to be awake at this ungodly hour?"
"It'd be a nice change."
I rolled my eyes, pouring a cup. "Why'd you get me up this early anyways?" I called on my way back.
"I heard somewhere waking up early can help get your sleep schedule back on track which is good for depression. Plus, you agreed last night that we could go to the park, so that's what we're doing."
"But that won't take the whole day. What else are we doing?" I asked slowly, almost afraid of the answer.
A smile suddenly emerged on Whizzer's face. "I may have gotten us a reservation at a super fancy restaurant tonight."
"Ha, nice joke, Whiz. What're we really doing?"
He rolled his eyes at me and stayed quiet.

After a few more hours of us sitting around and me bitching under my breath about being awake so early, Whizzer forced me to get dressed so we could finally go to the park.
I bitched on my way to be bedroom as Whizzer yelled at me to shut up.
After I was dressed, he took my hand, which was weird as he was never overly affectionate, neither of us are, and lead me to the street and hailed a taxi.
"That's gonna be a really expensive drive to the park. Why don't we just take my car, I can drive," I stated, turning on my heal to head back to the parking area of our building.
"No," Whizzer said gently, tightening his grip on my hand to keep me from going too far. "I think we can both agree you need a break from that car. I can pay, so don't worry about it."
"No buts, just trust me, okay?"
I sighed, but nodded.

The entire cab ride was silent. Whizzer spent the whole time holding my hand and gently rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand in a circular pattern. I assumed it was supposed to help calm me down as I was suddenly beginning to feel skiddish and panicky for no reason and Whizzer seemed to be good at picking up on that feeling for whatever reason.
Once we finally reached the park, my feelings of panic and anger washed away and were replaced by numbness not long after.

We both exited the cab after Whizzer paid, and he took my hand again, leading me to our old favorite spot. It was just under some trees, but not too far from the walk way, and it didn't block off too much sun. It was the perfect place for picnics, which was what our early dates consisted of. It was, as Whizzer had said the night before, the place of one of our first real dates.
By real, I mean it wasn't just a hook up. At the time, it was a nice change, but it was also risky being seen in public together in a neighborhood I was so well known in. But, we did it anyways, and I'm so glad we did.

We took a seat in the shade and sat in silence as we took in our surroundings. The park was especially quiet that day, so we got to enjoy the nature instead of the bustling people.
"Marv," Whizzer began, breaking the comfortable silence, only otherwise broken by the occasional bird singing or the leaves above rustling in the light breeze.
I looked to him and hummed.
"Why do you have such a problem opening up to me?"
"Cause I feel like all I ever talk about is my depression and I don't want to annoy you; it's bad enough I have to annoy Mendel with it."
"You know it doesn't annoy me,"
I smiled a little. "I know, love, but I can't help but feel annoying,"
He exhaled, a small smile present. I could tell he wasn't the least bit annoyed with me, like he usually is when we discuss this stuff, which was refreshing.
"Just, please, try not to push me away anymore, okay?"
I smiled a little more. "I'll try,"
"Thank you; that's all I wanted,"
After speaking, he leaned in, kissing me gently and softly for a couple seconds. Once he pulled away, I was left with my eyes closed for a couple seconds, as I tried to remember every detail of the kiss as if it would be our last.
I could hear Whizzer giggle softly as I sat still, eyes still closed.

"C'mon," He stared. I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me with his hand out.
"Where're we going now?" I asked through a laugh.
"Surprise," He mouthed, urging me to take his hand.
I rolled my eyes, pushing myself off the ground, and took his hand. He immediately began leading me across the park to an ice cream vender.
"Ice cream? We literally haven't eaten yet today," I complained.
"You're such a dad," He laughed. "A little ice cream's not gonna kill you. You're a grown ass man, act like it,"
I rolled my eyes yet again. "Fine, but I'm only doing this for you."
"Yes, please only enjoy a delicious treat that I'm buying you for my sake," He replied sarcastically.
I lightly slapped his shoulder as he got us both little bowls of strawberry ice cream.

"This is really good, thank you," I said after I'd finished.
"Told ya you'd enjoy it," Whizzer replies, throwing out both our bowls.
"What'do we do now to pass the time until our alleged fancy supper?"
"I don't know," He paused, thinking. "We could see if there's any good movies playing or hit up the library, since you used to love it so much there,"
I smiled, grabbing his hand and lacing our fingers together. "Whatever you wanna do is fine with me,"

The rest of the afternoon was spent watching one really bad movie, and at the library where I was able to get lost in a book like I used to.
The dinner at the restaurant was amazing, though Whizzer wouldn't let me pay for anything, so I felt a little bad about that, but, overall, the day had been fantastic.
I wish I could get lost in bliss happiness like that everyday.

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