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'Dante, the son of Sparda.' Those words have always rung in my head, ever since he came into my club. He would always parade around it too. Not only that, he would always stir up trouble at my business. He always comes in to stir up trouble and a start few fights giving the same excuse of: 'your music is too loud. So I might as well return the favor.' Just to ruin my living. My life!

Dante cares about no one. besides what he sees in the mirror. He'd always treat girls like slabs of meat and nearly kill any guy that apparently, 'looked funny at him.' His favorite thing to do was shoot near the other guy's feet. and make them dance like there was no tomorrow... Kids this day.

But I know how to stop him. Once and for all, (It'll teach him to mess with me). Even though this necklace I got in hand made my wallet a few thousand lein lighter, it fits the description for one of them, to a T. Apparently, some legends might be true.

'The sons of Sparda were given two necklaces, one for each child. When both combined with Sparda's sword (force edge), it grants the owner to the rival strength of the Legendary Dark Knight himself.' I leaned back in my chair as my back popped.

Some people found the one necklace of Sparda on some frozen corpse somewhere that's freezing cold and decided to it sell on the black market. I was surprised to find it only for a few thousand actually. But then again, not many people believe in fables.

"Uh, Herald?" Tony (one of my bouncers) said, slowly opening the door to my office.

"What is it this time?" I scowled in response.

"We got a patron, and she might be a problem," Tony scratched the back of his head.

"Is it because you hit on her?" I massaged my temples since Tony had a reputation for getting a little too frisky with a girl he has his eyes on.

"It's Yang," Tony mumbled, trying not to upset me.

"Yang? The 'Yang Xiao Long!?'" I yelled, finally realizing what the problem was.


"I'll go see to it," I shot out of the chair I was on.

"Don't hurt yourself." Tony patted my shoulder.

"Just watch the door for me, alright," I said, chuckling to Tony. "I got this, don't worry."

Getting too old for this shit.

when I went down to the main floor, everything was normal. No damages or anything of that manner. Thank God!

I made way to the bar counter and I saw her. Yang Xiao Long, In the flesh. She was sitting there, looking down at the floor, almost like if she had a cloud over her head.

Kids like these, are the problem nowadays. People these days are the problem! Back in my adventures days, I would use to love the rush of taking somebody's fat wallet. And buy a nice, big, greasy pizza with that money. Nowadays, people just cost you money. Even more, than I ever did.

"Hey Blondie, want a drink?" I patted Yang's shoulder, trying to be friendly.

"Sure, I'd like a strawberry sunrise, no ice." Yang paused for a second as she received a text on her scroll. "...And one of those umbrellas. I want to have a good night." When Yang gave her order, she was texting someone on her scroll.

"Was that an ex?" I eyed Yang's scroll.

"No, just the fun police." Yang hid her scroll from me.

"Well have a few drinks and cool down." I tried to make sure Yang doesn't throw her famous temper tantrums. But I noticed another problem at hand. people were leaving, after seeing that Yang was around. And she's doing nothing! I hate people... So Goddamn much! Good for nothing.

I was snapped out of my thoughts; the music abruptly stopped, with Tony flying across the dance floor, landing on his face. "I'm looking for Herald!" Someone announced, in a loud yet calm voice. It was... Dante! Out of all people, out of all the times, out of someone's ass!

I crouched under the bar counter, hoping that this whole ordeal would blow over.

I hate people so MUCH!!!

"Let's rock, baby!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao long - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now