Chapter #9

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Andy POV:

This is hard for me, I just need to talk with Mel about that.
We're currently all apart.
Me and Blair had to go to ASDA again.
Melody and Rye went for Milkshakes.
Mikey, Brook and Jack went to the gym.
So I used the GC.

RoadTrip TV;

Me: guys, when will y'all be back home?

Mikey👾: we're almost done. I think about a good 20 minutes.

Melody🎵: we've got the shakes. Just heading home.

Rye🐝: yup, we'll be there in a few minutes.

Brook🙈: I'm just following Mikey... 😂

Me: 😐🙄

I closed my phone and asked Blair: "we almost done yet?"
"Yes, we only have to pay and then we can head home" I nodded and we walked to the checkout.

We were back home, and everyone sat there.
"Mel... Quick talk?" I asked.
She came to the kitchen with me.
"I sort of overheard you talking yesterday. And I still don't get the sentence 'he's my only friend'... Can you explain please?" She looked down.
But replied: "I've never had many friends besides you Andy... But I always told you so because I didn't want to hurt you. I only got bullied. Even now I get comments on my insta post saying 'you'll never be as good as Andy Fowler!' I didn't even knew who you were because of how long I didn't see you A!"
I smiled at the nickname she used...
She used to say that when we where young
"I remember that nickname" I simply answered.

Melody POV:

I couldn't help, but smile at his comment.
He remembered his nickname, although it was just a letter.
"I'm sorry, A... I had to tell you the truth. I'm the worse sister ever! Sorry..." I said while hugging him.
He hugged back and whispered in my ear: "no you're not... You're the smartest and best sister someone could ever ask for"

We went back to the bedroom and continued watching a film.
I love these lads, and I'll never stop loving them.
"I'm going to sleep..." I whispered.
But before I could stand up, I fell asleep on someone's shoulder.

A/N Who you think that shoulder is from?
Who do you want it to be?
Ahahaaaa guess what, no spoilers!
What you think of the story till now?
It's just for fun I write this.
And tbh, I'm surprised it has almost 100 reads.
Bye peeps!

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