Chapter #26

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Rye POV:

When I woke up I was so happy, because it's my birthday.
Apparently everyone forgot and that brang me into a bad mood.
"Morning Ryan, want some tea?" Andy asked.
I shook my head and replied: "no thanks... I'm good."
He shrugged and walked away, like literally away outside.
What is he even doing?!
He hadn't anything planned today!
Of course everyone was gone, and they left me all by myself.
Until the door opens...
"Sorry, forgot my wallet. I'll see you in a bit mate!" Andy said and walked back out.
What is wrong with them today?

I just made tea and played on Andy's guitar.
Not as good as andy of course.
Why are they being so weird and distant?
I had texted the groupchat, had texted Melody, even Blair and Harvey, but no one answers.
So I tried calling them.
Only Brooklyn picked up.

Brooklyn POV:

Everyone was setting every last thing up for Rye's party.
Suddenly he called me and i looked at the rest.
"He's been calling everyone... Tell him to come here or he'll burst out" Andy said.
I nodded and picked up.

R: thank god you picked up... Where are you? Why are you all so distant? Don't you know what day it is today?!
B: chill mate, of course we do. Happy birthday!
R: ok, but why didn't you tell me earlier?
B: come to the studio, we'll explain it there.
R: Sure... I'm on my way.
B: see yah!

I hung up and we waited for him to come.
I hope he'll like it, because damn this took too many time.
"He's on his way" I informed them and everyone else hid.

A/N ok guys, I prepared andother book... Now i'm deciding wether I should post it now, or wait until this one is done.
It's also a roadtrip fanfic, but I won't say more 🤗
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