chapter #35

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Melody POV:

"RYAN!! Put me down!" I yelled.
Me and Brooklyn finally talked everything out...
After a few weeks, but better late than never I guess?
Rye smirked and said: "as you wish ma'am"
Oh no...
Yup, I was thrown into the water!
"You will pay for this Ryan Beaumont!" I yelled at him once I was above the water.
The other lots were just laughing their heads off.
I groaned and said: "I hate you all."
"No you don't" Andy said, smirking at me.

"Let's get some food, because I'm hungry!" I exclaimed.
Jack and mikey shot a glare at me while Brooklyn said: "Mel, we ate about 30 minutes ago! You're a fat kid ya know?"
I fakely put my hand over my heart and mouthed "auwch"
"That hurt brook!" I said, fake sad.
He just smiled and shook his head.
"It's too hot and I'm hungry!" I whined.

Rye POV:

"Stop whining already! You're a little kid." I groaned.
She crossed her arms and scoffed.
I swear to god, she acts like a two year old kid.
Once we were at the flat, Melody dove into the kitchen.
"Seriously" I thought to myself.
"Hey Mel... Me and the lads are going home for a week. Maybe you could go with Andy to Manchester?" I asked her.
Her expression changed immediately!
I don't know if it was good tho.
"Mel?" I asked.
She just zoned out, and tears were forming.
What did I say???

A/N This is such a book full of drama tbh 😂
I hope y'all don't mind tho.
It's 1.24 AM so imma sleep...
Bybye! 😊❤

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