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First of all... I want to start with saying thank u to all of those people who read my book(s).
I may write these for fun, but it surprises me how many people read these.
Now the real stuff tho...

I've been very upset, mad, depressed, ... Lately.
Well, to be honest, I don't know how I felt, and how I feel right now.
But it doesn't feel good.
I decided to log off from all my social media and quit writing/editing for a while.
I don't know when I will be back.
I won't stop writing by hand of course.
Well, here is the story is u want to know.
It's two friends of mine who I will just call Sara and Alexa, because I don't want to use their real names.

They are both in a group chat, with me and some other roadies.
And of course, it's a Roadtrip fanaccount group chat.
Sara is my internet bff, and Alexa just a friend.
Sara had been in a bad mood lately and I asked her why...
Apparently she got a DM from Alexa asking why she was in that gc.
According to her, Sara isn't a roadie and doesn't deserve to be in the group.
She fired back with "Brie is in that chat too!" (I didn't want to use real name so I use Brie)
Brie has a Shawn Mendes fan account, and is with that fanpage in the roadies group chat.
Alexa said: "she's still a roadie"
And that made Sara mad af.

Look, Roadies are suppose to be a fandom who help each other out.
And that's not what they are doing!
But, that is not the only thing why I want to log off ofc...

People who I thought genuinely cares about me, and love me... Suddenly turn their back at me for some other better group of people.
I genuinely like to help people, but whenever I do, and they can walk by theirselfs, they just run away and never come back.
Until they have a problem again and I need to fix that problem.
They don't know how much I enjoy to help people even tho I can't even help myself because I don't even know what is wrong with me!

I lost in my faith of humanity, and thought I would get it back.
But that's not something I can just think, it's something people have to prove.
But God damn people are so ungrateful and dumb that they don't even know anymore what is truly important.
I may be just a 14 year old teenager who is obsessed with a boyband... BuT I know what's important in life.

People changed, the only thing people do know is look at screens, and I can relate...
I know myself I'm addicted to this phone and my laptop.
And I genuinely think it's pathetic.
But if you have literally no one to have some fun with, and go on adventure with... Then what is it worth to try do something fun?
There's nothing fun about being alone and knowing you have no friends.
I know how it feels, I'm different then most teenagers, I don't want to tell why yet... But it's just like that.
Most people don't understand me, that's because I don't act like a 14 y/o.
I think like an adult, but mostly I act like a little kid.
And people get confused...
They'd rather not talk to me...
This part got longer then my normal chapters and I'm so happy if u took the effort to read all this.
And I'm sorry for doing this...
But I just don't know where I belong, so I put everything aside... And try to find it...

Thank you all so much, I love you ❤

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