Chapter #12

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Andy POV:

"Why'd Jack storm of?" I asked.
Everyone shrugged and I walked out, searching for Jack.
I saw him on the swing at the park.
"Hey Jack... What are you doing here?" I asked.
He just ignored my question.
I sat next to him and said: "you know you can talk to me, right?"
"Yea... But not about this. I think you'll get mad." He replied.
I looked confused.
"How could I ever be mad at an Irish cute bean?" I said.
He smiled at my nickname for him.

"Well... When I saw Brook and Mel hand in hand in our room, while we were watching a movie... I felt jealous" he said.
Wait... Does he...?
"I... I like your sister" he ended.
One part of me is angry, but one part feels joy.
Jack is such a good lad, and he won't hurt anyone... I just know that.

Brook POV:

"Did Andy found Jack, you think?" I asked Melody.
She shrugged and said: "I hope he does... He's a nice guy, and I see how you guys love to do stuff together"
And she's right... We do love that lad.
Then Jack and Andy came in.
Jack looked at Mel, and when he looks away Andy smiled at Mel.
"What the..." I said quietly.
She smiled back at Andy and looked at Jack.
When she looked back at me, she saw I was confused.
She just shrugged and continued looking at her phone.

"What was that all about, a few minutes ago?" I asked Andy.
He looked at me and shrugged: "I don't know what you're talking about..."
"Andy... I'm serious!" I said.
He just looked emotionless at me and said: "drop it, it doesn't matter."
What is wrong with them today?
Did I do something wrong?
"Mikey? Jack, Andy and Mel are acting very strange." I informed him.
He looked at me at said: "when do they not act strange?"
I don't trust this... I want to know what's happening.

A/N Hello peeps... I'm sorry I've been inactive lately, but damn those teachers really like to give us some homework.
2 tests today, yesterday 1 and a few days earlier almost 3, but the teacher couldn't print the tests.
So yea... Here's the next chapter! 🤙

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