Chapter 1

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~ The oldest and strongest emotion of man is fear. And the oldest and strongest fear of man is the fear of unknown.' ~


Andy's POV

Fear. Fear is only a state of our mind, an emotion we humans feel. Nothing more. But It has always been the only emotion I couldn't have control over. The only emotion that controls me.

I told the boys that I don't like to watch horror movies. But I'm not scared of them. I'm scared of feeling scared. I'm scared of the fear. The dark side of my mind.

"You Okay Fovvs?" Jack asked me, from where he was sitting beside me. Jack and Brook were in the back seat of the car with me while Rye was in front and Mikey was driving.

"Yeah. Just thinking." I replied, looking out of the window.

"About what?" Brook asked.

"About this stupid idea of going to a haunted house in the middle of night." I said sarcastically.

"Andy.. We'll be back in the morning, I promise." Mikey smiled at me from the rear view mirror.

I didn't reply as I continued to look out. The area was becoming more and more stranded as we neared the haunted house.


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"Woah. It looks like a scene from a horror movie." Brook said excitedly.

"A ROADTRIP TO THE HAUNTED HOUSE." Rye shouted as the other three cheered after him.

I rolled my eyes and continued to look out, blocking their voices and getting lost in my own world.

Suddenly, Mikey slammed the breaks and we all jumped out of our seats.

"What the Fuck Mike??" Rye asked as he rubbed his head.

"I- There was someone on the road. I almost h-hit them." He asked, looking scared.

"Where? I can't see anyone there." Brooklyn said as we all looked out of the windows. True. There was no living soul around here.

"Yeah. Must be my imagination." He said, still looking a bit unsure.

"Ooo Mikey is scared ! Mikey is scared !" Jack chanted loudly and Brook and Rye joined him. I looked at Mikey as He laughed at their antics. Was it only just his imagination?

After that odd incident, The whole ride was filled with Brook and Jack's loud voices and Mikey's occasional laughter. Rye was constantly looking back at me from time to time, as If to make sure I was okay. I'm not okay. I don't wanna go there. I wanna stay home and cuddle with Rye. I want to kiss his lips and bury my face in his chest, feeling the comfort of his arms around me.

Rye turned again to look at me, and saw me already looking at him. He gave me a small smile and mouthed 'You okay?' I nodded weakly and turned back to the window. The boys were definitely having so much fun and I'm only ruining the mood. I sighed loudly. Only I wasn't such a scaredy cat.

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