Chapter 4

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~ The next scream you hear may be your OWN ~

Mikey's POV

It was silent. No one said anything as we all sat in the hallway, lost in our own thoughts. No one knew what to say. We all had seen it with our eyes. This house was fucking haunted.

Brook woke up about half an hour ago, Almost fainting again because he was so scared. We asked him what happened and He said that He had no clue.

"I turned around the corner and there was someone standing at the end of the hallway. I couldn't see their face because they were facing the other way. But as soon as they turned around, I felt a sharp pain in my head, as If needles were piercing through my brain. And then everything went black." He had said.

No one asked who that person was. No one had the courage to ask. Because even though no one spoke loudly, all of us knew.

"Guys?" Jack started, breaking the deafening silence between us. Me and Brook looked towards him, letting him know that we're listening.

"We can't.. we can't sit here forever you know. We have to do something." He spoke softly.

"I know Jack. But what are we going to do?" Brook replied with a defeated voice.

"Anything. Anything we do can help us save Andy. Why are we giving up even before trying?? We have to do something." He raised his voice a little.

"You are right, Jack. But where should we start? We have no clue how many spirits are here or what do they want from us." I spoke up. I agreed with him completely. Because Something is definitely better than nothing. But we don't even know how to save Andy from something we have no clue about?

"Lets go home."

All of our heads snapped towards Rye who spoke for the first time in nearly two hours. He was still looking at the wall in front of him.

"What?" Brook said in shock.

"Are you deaf? I said Let's go home." His voice was harsh as He glared at Brook, standing up.

"You are not serious, Are you?" Jack said in a soft voice.

"Does it look like I'm fucking Joking right now?" He replied harshly.

"But we can't leave Andy here, Rye. We need to get him out." Brook said, standing up as well.

"Oh Please do so. Because This is a movie and you're the fucking super hero who's gonna save him. By sitting here." He spat. I saw Brook clench his fist as I stood up hurriedly.

"Guys, Calm down. How are we going to save Andy If we start fighting each other? Rye, Sit down. We'll make a plan--"

"What plan, Mikey? Do you have a plan? No you don't. So what's the point of sitting here when we can go home and relax?" Rye said to me with a sarcastic voice. Why is he behaving like this?

"If you all want to stay here and die, then I don't have a problem. But I want to live and achieve my dreams. So See you in afterlife." He said, before picking up his bag and swinging it across his shoulder.

"Rye, You can't leave. The Rye I know won't give up so easily. Specially on Andy. Please Rye. Stop." I begged him, tearing up a little.

"Let him go, Mike. He probably doesn't care about us or Andy. I know I'll not regret staying here because If I die then at least I'll die as a faithful bestFriend. Not a coward boyfriend." Brooklyn said in a harsh tone. Rye's jaw was clenched tightly, as If he was trying not to say something he'll regret later.

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