Chapter 3

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~ It's all a nightmare. And you can't wake up ~

Rye's POV

We've been searching this side for God Knows how long. Our phones are dead. We have no food or water with us. We are tired and our legs are literally hurting from walking so long. This stupid hallway is never-ending. It feels like we're going in circles because we keep coming back to the same place we started. To top it all, We have no idea what time is it.  And the worst thing was..

We still haven't found Andy.

I wonder If Mikey and Jack found him or not. If they haven't, then I don't know what I'll do. I can't imagine being without Andy. I can't live without him. He is my best friend, my partner in crime and my boyfriend. We've been in the band for the longest time and we've gone through so much together. He is a big part of my life. Scratch thatp, He IS my life. If something happened to him, I won't be able to forgive myself.

My thoughts were interuppted when I felt Brook grab my arm suddenly.

"What?" I asked rudely. I can't help it. I was tired and annoyed. And Everything is pissing me off right now, including Brooklyn.

"Shh. Did you hear that?" He whispered as He dragged me to the left corner of hallway. I listened closely and tried to hear what he was talking about. Suddenly I heard a whimper and then a sniffling sound. It was coming from somewhere really close to us. We stopped when we saw a room at the end of the hall. How the fuck did we miss this room?

"Rye.. It was not here before." Brook said in a scared and confused voice.

"It was. We just missed it." I said calmly, even though I was really scared on the inside. Why do we keep finding rooms that we didn't see before?

"Should we see What is inside?" Brook whispered, looking at me. I stayed silent for a minute before taking a deep breath and nodding. We walked towards the room cautiously. It was the only room in this hallway, which was odd considering every other hallway had at least three or four rooms. We reached the door and suddenly everything went silent. The noise that was coming before could not be heard now. I hesitated a bit before opening the door roughly.

It was a simple room. Except that it was not so simple. There was a large queen sized bed, a walk in closet, a fancy couch, a table and an old looking full length mirror. I walked in slowly with Brook right behind me, clutching my shirt.

"Where did you think the noise came from?" Brook whispered to me.

"I don't know. But I'm sure It came from this room." I replied as I walked closer to the bed. The sheets were messed up, like someone had been here not long ago. Brook was standing in front of the mirror, looking at it oddly.

"Hey Rye?" He asked after a second.

"Yeah?" I replied him as I kneeled down and looked under the bed. Nothing here.

"There is something--"


Brook suddenly ran towards me, clutching my arm as I stood up. The crashing sound came from the closet. I started to walk towards it but Brook grabbed my arm.

"Don't." He whispered in a scared voice. But I ignored him, still walking towards the Closet. Brook was behind me when I opened the closet door abruptly.

"Please don't hurt me. Please I--"


Andy looked up at me and fuck. My heart broke because of how vulnerable he looked right now. His eyes were red and swollen from crying and He looked so scared. So broken.

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