Chapter 2

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~Where there is no imagination, There is no horror~

Rye's POV

I woke up to the sound of Jack screaming loudly. I got up quickly to find him on the floor, crying.

"What happened?" I asked, looking over at Mikey who shrugged in response.

"Jack.. Baby What happened?" Brook asked in a gentle voice, holding him in his arms.

"I- There- Someone was p-pulling me d-down." He said while sobbing loudly.

"What? It must be a dream, baby." Brook assured him, wiping away his tears.

"Yeah. We all are here with you Jack. We won't let anything happen to you." Mikey said with a small smile.

"Maybe uncle ghostie thought that Little baby Jacky was cute so he came to get him." I said in a cheeky tone which made Jack giggle as he stopped crying.

"What's the time? Can we go home now?" Jack asked as he and Brook stood up.

"Yeah... What the fuck?" Mikey looked confusedly towards his phone.

"What is it Mike?" Brook asked.

"It's 4am..." Mikey said, sounding unsure.

"But.. Didn't we go to sleep at 4am?" Brook asked in a confused tone.

"Maybe Mikey's phone is telling the wrong time or something. I'll check mine." Jack said as He took out his phone.


"Uh.. It's 4am" Jack said, looking up.

"Mine says the same." Brook said, holding up his phone.

"How the fuck is this possible??" Mikey asked in a frustrated tone.

"Guys.." I spoke up finally as they all looked towards me.

"Where is Andy?"

A look of worry flashed on all of their faces as they looked around. I had noticed that Andy was missing when I turned around to make sure he is fine, but I didn't find him there. It was strange. Because Andy hates haunted houses so He won't wander off all alone.

"Try to call him." Brook said.

"There are no signals in this house." I rubbed my face, worry and irritation filling up my guts.

"Maybe he went to the washroom or something?" Jack suggested.

"He is scared of ghosts, Jack. He won't go alone." I said frustratedly.

"We have to find him. And then We need to get out of here. This place is not safe." Mikey said.

"I agree. Let's find Andy and go home." Jack said, clinging to Brook's arm.

"Wait. We need to split up. If we all go together, it would take a lot of time." I said, picking up my bag.

"What?? I'm not going alone." Jack said loudly.

"Who said you're going alone? You are going with Mikey. Brook, you come with me." I said.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Rye. We should all stay together." Mikey said and Jack nodded.

"For Fuck's sake Michael, We need to find Andy as soon as possible." I said exasperatedly.

"But How will we know If two of us found Andy? There are no signals in here so we won't be able to keep in contact." Brooklyn said, looking at me.

"We'll meet here again after an hour. Even If you don't find Andy, come back to this place exactly at 5." I said as they all nodded.

"Please take care of yourself, Brooky." Jack said as He hugged Brooklyn.

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