Chapter 7

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Tris pov-

The truth or dare game ended at about 5 in the morning and everyone got drunk besides me. After walking wobbly Cristina to her bed I went out for some fresh air. I ended up walking by the forest it smells of decreased body's I wonder if Marcus is the only one here.

I kick up the dirt,dust circling the air.
One day I think one day I will met someone hug him so tight that all my broken bones will be mended with there touch. Memories of four rush in my mind making me think that this one day might have came sooner then I thought.

I look over at the river reminding me of the waves on the shore. I step closer and closer until I'm at the edge. The smell runs into my nose leaving it cold as the wind makes my hair flow,in all the forest you can try to find peace but you just have to let peace find you.

The breeze is picking up now and I feel on edge something is not right. The wind howls and I feel like Turing around once I hear a shuffle in the bush. 1, 2, 3, TURN.

Before I can process all the events I see Peter putting on a black mask along with 2 other men all ready masked in the night before I could say anything they grab me and push me into the cold icy running river. They push my head down up and down grab ahold of my neck I finally grab one of the mans mask and I uncover his face the face of Al? Al was my friend and at the truth or dare game last night he told me he liked me I of course turned him down but I don't think killing me is something you should do.

I keep squirming in the water yelling until my mouth is filed with the liquid witch in my case is deadly. This is it I think until I here a voice. The voice belongs to four.

"Let her go" He yells and starts to punch them as I see al whimper in pain Drew runs away and so does peter al follows. He drags me next out of the water. I take a big gasp of breath and stats to cough up a mixture of water and blood.

"Are you okay?" He asks I would respond but I keep coughing the strange mixture.

"No your not" He says to him self and try's to help me up but I just feel light headed next thing I know it all goes black and I am awake on a bed not my bed.

"Your awake" Tobias.

"Oh yea what happend last night..?"

He gulps before saying anything.
"Drew, Al, Peter all tried to drown you they threw you over the river and and tried to drown you but I saved you
Before anything could happen" he clearly does not want to talk about it.

After a while of silence I mange a small thank you and I drift of to the world of blackness...

Time lasp-

Tobias pov

I watch her sleep. You might seem that it's creepy but for me it's peaceful knowing she's safe here in a world of her own. A nice hush fills the dark sky it's 6:00 Am now I have to get her back to the cabin before any one notices. More like before Eric notices.

I pick her up bridal style and watch as her head bobbles up and down every step I take. I feel a sudden pain and anger to the 3 devils who tried to break such an amazing thing. On the video camera I say Al, her friend and peter and drew, Devils in traning.

Tris mumbles something as I put her down I cover her up as she hits the bed that she will be using for the summer. That's it summer after that I'll leave she will leave I'll be put into Foster Care once they find out about Marcus and I'll leave her. I always leave habit of mine but she is my new habit my addiction that I can't seem to shake her life is what keeps me going it's her all her and what am I doing about it? nothing.

I make my way back to my cabin full of all the leaders I share a bunk with zeke and Eric is across from us as well as Lauren. We just heard that the candor leader had some things to do back home so we need to watch them until jack the new addition to this camp comes witch it not until 2 days. I still don't understand why dauntless need to watch them what do you think our cabin represents? Babysitting.

"Beep" A silent but audible sound comes from the back of the room signaling a email.

Dear Dauntless,
Hello it's Maria and I would like to start off by thanking your cabin on behalf of candor. Now you know jack will not be joining us until July 2 so please watch them until then. Do not let them play with the knifes and guys your cabin easily handles. Let them just be in there own cabin and just send someone to watch them to make sure no rules are broken
Thanks - Maria

What? Babysitters that's all we are. Candor all they do is smart talk people tell the truth I'm sure if they do break a rule it's in there nature to tell the truth. They are defiantly not erudite. The sun is rising and I see it's 7 now. July 2 I read back in my mind July 2, That means today is camp wars oh man.

I grab my pants and shirt as I pull them on I think of pranks. The worst Erudite can do is take out a insult book and read it too us. I laugh at the thought but then I know erudite have probably been working on a new serums.

I walk outside. Amity. They could give us there bread. There all so awful bread. I see the cabin. Candor. They could yell at us with the truth or I don't know they are really harmless. 20 ft. Tell the cabin. Abnegation. They would feel bad and help everyone win or whatever the selfless do ..Camp Wars was not a thing when I went there me and Zeke were the creators of it and proud of it are we.

I am at the cabin now I open the door I see tris sleeping. I take a step.. I am now drenched in water it's all ready started. There tris is awaken from her spot laughing. Everyone is laughing and I am wet. I heard a few good job tris and see tris getting pats on the back.... This is tris' doing well you know what I say to you my tris? Let the wars began. I change out of my wet clothes and go straight to Zekes bunk.

I shake Zeke and dude he is one heavily sleeper. "Today is camp wars" after I say that he joults out of bed nice to know that always works.

"How many have fallen?" He asks like we are talking about soldiers in war.

"Umm as far as I know I'm the only one who have "fallen". I tell him and he goes to his closet. He pulls out Fireworks.. Excellent

Camp Wars yay
Reminder they are dauntless so they take this 4 days to the extreme it's like truth or dare on over drive.. So I hope you like this chap and vomment

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