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I wake up.
Terrified screaming on the beach .
Four comes next to me but I push him off I regret it after. Then comes Chris with will and everyone else looking at me like some nut.
"I-I- I have to go " I say running to the other side of the cliff that was keeping the wind away. I look up and see someone or something.
I don't get a response up there so I look to the west of me and see another body and another and another there singing some song while making it to the very top of the cliff were I saw the body stand next to the tree.
"Tris, Are you coming ?"
A body calls out how do they know my name .
"C-coming were?" The wind now pulling my hair onto to my face

The body goes from miles away to right in front of me in a instant .

"To your friends ...."

I stubble on the ground sand now it my eyes blinding my vision ... how what ? I must be dreaming but I'm not I look at our camp grounds nothing . I take the thought of camp wars into my mind.. that was it ... It had to be it .
The sun was up now everyone had either thought my scream was a dream or had forgot about it . But not Tobias.

"Tris what was that ?"

"I'm sorry it was just a dream okay"

"DREAM? Dreams are of Olaf and happy rainbows this was a nightmare."

I stay silent not knowing what to say I end up glancing at the cliff from time to time. What has happened .

"Tris I need to tell you something this is real okay I'm not trying to pull a prank " tobias say with a certain determined look on his face .

"Well you um know how it was prank wars well I um saw Someone go up the hill were it started... and dig and the scream and I - I"

"Y-your saying "

"Yeah I am but I have an idea ....
Highschool ?"

"Your kidding that would never work I - I have a family and a brother who not to mention is here as well I can't just run off with you and live our life as a highschool undercover couple I -I"m sorry I just can't "

"What if we we ,tris I don't want to see your future in a orange jumpsuit "

"Then maybe we should just play it cool or maybe hack into the cameras in the place .. And show them it was self defenses."

He kisses me
Tobias your Christina side is showing.

After he runs off I think about his highschool idea. He was whiling to run off with me to the worst place on earth .
True love i think to myself and laugh .

I now am here packing up my things and helping will who can't seem to get out of his sleeping bag. There's some part of me that still wonders and can't shake off the thoughts about abnegation. There's all this what ifs in life what if I did choose differently my parents would have been proud I wouldn't been in this whole murder situation.

Abnegation .... why am I worrying about the past I'm never going back there it's final . I hope Caleb feels the same way but I still can't get how he was selfless and smart the two s' ....

Why can't I belong or fit in .
Why do I get this the situation in were I killed someone were I defied what I was taught in life . I always thought this camp experience could be like camp half blood . But I did get something from Percy . I learned that our whole life is a quest just waiting sitting until you get chosen . I guess my quest in life is to get through this ......

AN:::Hi, it's been a while but this is really short and I'm sorry but at least it's something I hope your still reading this story ... and if any of you have any ideas for it message me or comment below

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