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(The image you see above is an image of Cane Wilson.)
The smallest things matter in life, you never know where things can go with someone, and you never know when you can lose someone.

As soon as I got home I got into my pajamas and sat at my desk near my bed. "Sarah don't think about him. You will not catch feelings for someone who's twice your age! You can't love him! He's a music teacher, which isn't even a full-time-job. You can't possibly be in love with him. You've only known him for a day! This can't be happening. You can't love him! Are you insane? Nah, I'm just madly in love with my teacher which is actually pretty hot when you think about it... I love how he cools me down when I'm stressed. I love his sweetness, kindness,thoughtfulness, and his minty breath when he talks, and that he's here for me if I need him, and his smile, his personality, his looks! He's a teacher, wake up! That's his job, he doesn't feel any different towards the other students! And also, I have a boyfriend!" I slapped myself in the face. "Snap out of it Sarah!" Why am I talking to myself ? Have I've gone mad?" I screamed. Then I went to bed. The next morning I woke up. ALARM CLOCK: BEEP, BEEP, BE- I slammed it with my fist. As I thought to myself, "I hate school. I'm running late! I'll get a bagel." As I entered the school cafeteria some weirdo named Jensen joined me at my table. Jensen said "Hey." I answered him. "Hi?" "Just wanted to say you're cute and we should fuck sometime." I thought to myself "Typical teenage boy...walk away Sarah, just walk away and it won't harm you. Yet he looked so nice."  I quickly walked away. He's probably asking himself , what did I do wrong? Hm... As I walked into school Zack smiled at me and offered to hold my hand. We always held hands in the hallway. I don't know why but this time I didn't feel like it. "Is everything okay?" Zack asked. "Sure." "If you say so." He said.   Brenda walked over to us. "Hey boo!" "Hey." I said. "If you're actually going to class then I'll come with." Said Brenda. "Me too." Said Zack. "And also, then we better run!" Brenda added on.
For my first class I had Science. Which I nearly fell asleep in. The teacher said, "Oh, Sarah showed up, what a surprise." Said the teacher. She came over and shook my hand introduced herself. It turns out her name is Ms.Fork. I started to crack up. "Wait, what's your name?"Shoot, I'm already on her nerves. I thought to myself. She snarled at me in an angry way. Before I knew it all my classes went pretty fast, then I had gym. And coach doesn't like me too much considering that I wear skirts so much that way I don't have to participate. He should like me considering I'm dating his son though. Coach is Zack's father. Brenda was trying to lift the weights, which was pretty funny to watch. "These weights are heavy as hell!"she said. Of course Zack goes over and picks up the heaviest one he sees and starts to casually lift it. "No" he said. "Whatever, I'm going to go sit down, peace." Said Brenda. As I thought to myself "She's probably texting my ex-Derrick." I dated him for a few weeks but then we broke up, we're cool though, he's dating Brenda now. As Brenda walked away i thought of how to make conversation with Zack. "Any news?" I asked him. "Yeah, there is some bad news." He looked upset, I suddenly became very sad. "What happened?" "I'm moving." "WHAT?" I started to cry. "You should have told me! When?" "It was kind of last minute, let's just say, very soon." "I can't believe you would wait so long to tell me." "I just figured out this morning." I moved closer to him. "Are you busy anytime soon?" "No, soon is our seven month anniversary. And I'll give you a call, I have a surprise." "Awwww" honestly, he warms my heart. He pulled me in and kissed me. Then Jensen from this morning came over to us and nearly through up. "Ew." Said Jensen. We ignored him and he left. "Call me later." Said Zack. It was time for Italian class. (3hours later) I was now coming from lunch. I threw a piece of bubble gum in my mouth, I was confused what class I have now. Then I thought to myself "Oh shoot! Music class, that's right!"  I've been noticing I'm starting to have a thing for this teacher...? If I have sex with him will he boost my grades? I'm starting to realize that I'm starting to flirt with this teacher a lot... I speed walk to class. I just made it. "Hello class, how is everybody today?" The professor locks eyes with me. The other students answered him "Great." "Good." "Crappy." When I answered him I said "Tired." Then covered my yawn. "Great, lets get on with the lesson." Everyone nodded "Today I'll be testing you on your position and posture on how you play the violin." I thought to myself, "Shit! That's today!?" I thought to myself. "If you need help tell me." Right when he said that he looked at me. He looks hot in that suit. "Please, form a line." I rushed to the very back of the line. When it was my turn I walked to the bathroom to prevent the test. "Sarah. Sarah? Hm... where's Sarah?" Vicky answered him. "I think she went to the bathroom, probably to ditch class, Mr.Wilson." She is such a suck up it makes me sick. "Hm. Ok class, the bells going to ring soon, put the violins away please." I came in awkwardly. "Sorry, I had to go to the bathroom." He squinted at me with his arms crossed and one of his eyebrows up the other down, he sighed. "Sweetie you can't be skipping class... this isn't high school or middle school, this is college. You can get yourself in trouble. "I'm...not." "It's fine hun, the bells going to ring soon. I'll put your violin away and you can go get packed up for your next course, ok?" I love when he calls me sweetie and hon."Busy later?....So I can show you how to play the instruments properly." Excuses, what does he mean by that? Is he saying I can't play the instruments? Does he want to have a first date? Do students normally come to teachers houses? Is that a trend now? Am I getting the wrong message? Perhaps he's not asking for me to come to his house after all...Is that the idea, going to his house? Maybe he means to practice after school in the classroom. Is he into me? "Sarah" "Um, what? It depends...can you handle me?" "I really like you, you're one of a kind, you're different from the other students. I admire that. You're lucky you're on my good far...and by the way,  you can call me Cane when it's just me and you talking." He said. So we are on first name terms now? Thats cool. I blushed a little. I had no clue how to respond to that comment so I winked at him and then took off. I took my stuff and walked into the hall. "I'm skipping my next class" Vicky walked up to me and said, "You ditching violin extra help too?" "No, he canceled it. "Haven't you heard? He made plans with me."  I thought to myself.
"Oh, hey Zacky-boo didn't see you there." She said as she squeezed his cheeks and messed up his hair. "Go away, Vick." Zack said.
She walked away. "I literally cannot stand that girl!" I added on, "Vick the prick, am I right?" We all laughed together. "If you told her to jump off a bridge she probably would, she would be like, anything for you Zacky-poo." Brenda added on. I barely heard what Brenda was saying, I was too busy planning my outfit for later... "Um, what?" Brenda started to whisper in Zacks ear, "Somethings up." "I have to get ready, bye!" "For what?" Zack asked with a concerned look...he narrowed his eyes. "Just don't look for me, I've got plans." Zack put his thinking face on as Brenda rolled her eyes. I got in the passenger seat of Canes car and he fastened his mirror and winked at me through it then smirked. Holy shit...I think this IS a date... i thought to myself. He took me to a very fancy Asian buffet they took forever to serve. "Ewww" I Said. "Come with me, lets get out of here." "I would like that." Considering the guy behind me just burped really loud right near my ear. So he decided to take me to a fancier restaurant. "Now this is more like it." Mr.Wilson said. "Mhmm, agreed. So...are we a thing now? If so, that's what I wanted to happen." I said with my hand over my mouth. " I know it's probably a really bad idea but...I kinda like you, Sarah. I guess you can say I consider us a thing now, yeah." He said. "Well if you consider us a thing I consider us a thing...wait! So you're telling me you don't have a wife?" I asked shocked. "Mmm, correct." "Got a girlfriend?" "Aha,no." Cool, that's what i wanted to hear, Cane." " I know I'm your music teacher and all, but we can be...more than just that, you seem lovable, different, and that's what I look for in people.
There's just something that makes me want to get to know you more, I can't put my finger on it but there's just something about you that makes me want you...You look very beautiful tonight, you really do." I blushed. "Thanks, handsome." What if I hesitate then ruin this? What if I can't handle this? What if this is a mistake? What if, what if- Before we knew it the check came, I got my wallet out. "No hon it's on me, don't worry." I blushed. "Aw ok, thanks." We worked out way to the back parking lot.It was time to go home... he held my door open for me and ran his fingers through my hair as we sat down in his car. "Awww." I woke up with my head dug into his shoulder, and his hand wrapped around mine, we were holding hands, this is the start of something magnificent. I opened my eyes waking up to his sexy face. He shot a devilish smirk. He blushed then laughed a little. "You're up." That sexy laughter, shit...what is wrong with me?? I slammed my eyes shut as if I was still asleep. He ran his finger through my hair once more and then stroked my back, he held my hand and laughed  "Yes you, I know you're up." I couldn't act like I was asleep any longer. I opened my eyes again, then ran my hand through his hair and kissed him on his jawline. He lifted my face up by my chin by surprise and started passionately kissing me on the lips. He softly held my head still with his hands placed on my cheeks and slowly moved a hand to my neck in a chokehold. "Wow, um that was..." I blushed. "Intense? Amazing? Sexy?" "Take the words right out of my mouth." He's surprisingly a really good kisser. You'd be surprised what can fit in my mou-ok too far Sarah, too far... chill out a little. "You're really polite, I like you, I want to see more of you..." Polite? ME? Noooo! Who are you kidding? I leaned my head on his shoulder, he ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me on the far head, I looked up at him and smiled . He then took his jacket off, wrapped me up and hugged me a little. Then continued driving. "The beige house on the left." "We're here." Once he pulled into my drive way I kissed him on his lips for a while. He held my hand tightly and kissed me back, that kiss lasted 5 minutes. He opened the car door for me and smirked at me. "Too bad this night had to end." His lips are so kissable. I just want to throw myself at him! "Have a nice night, Sarah." "See you soon...Hopefully"
"I had fun, tonight." "Me too" He said. Then sadly it had to end... " I had a fun time." "As did i." I smiled at him then entered my house, soon as I locked the front door to my house I sat down on the floor and smiled. This is possible the beginning of something magnificent.


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