Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Carlie's heart beat at the speed of light at his voice.

"You shouldn't be here," he whispered into her ear. The cold blade of the dagger pressing against her throat didn't reassure her much for her safety, nor did the fact that he knew she didn't belong.

"Neither should you," she growled through gritted teeth. He stuck the weapon ever further into her neck.

"Don't tell me where I should and shouldn't be. You're the one with a dagger to your throat," he hissed, sending shivers down her back. He backed up towards the sound and lighting booth.

She rolled her eyes. "Pa-lease. What do you think you could do with that? All I have to do is scream and let people know of your presence."

"I can do a lot of things with this blade. Don't test me on that. Also, I don't suggest screaming. Before anyone could come up here to rescue you, you'd already be dead. Besides, you don't want anyone knowing you're here, so screaming would be stupid."

Carlie bit back a snarky (in other words - stupid) remark. "Fine. But you have to want something from me or else you wouldn't have me still alive."

He didn't respond. Instead, he dragged her towards the nearest room.

"What do you want from me in the sound and lighting booth?" Carlie tried to get anyone's attention from downstairs by kicking the floor with her heel (what? it wasn't technically it wasn't going against his orders, right?), but only resulted in getting a tighter grip on her arms and the dagger somehow even further in her neck without piercing the skin.

"Be quiet." He pulled her into the booth and shut the door. Correction: he locked the door. All five padlocks and two latches. Paranoid much?

"Then why the sound and lighting booth? There's no-" The boy shoves her into the rolling chair at the controls. The cushion let out an objection to the sudden weight, making a loud noise against the floor.

"Where is it?" he hollered belligerently. He strolled over to the window overlooking the entire building. He would be able to see any rescue attempts made by anyone trying to save Carlie before they even started. Not that she knew anybody who'd even attempt.

"You wanted silence," Carlie guessed. "What do you want to scream at me about?" Her biceps screamed from the previous contact, warming immediately from the release of pressure.

"Shut up and tell me where it is!" he slammed his fist down on the control panels. The lights both inside and out darkened slightly, causing him to fumble, trying to get it back to the way it was. "Fix it!"

"What do you expect me to do? You should have kidnapped the electrical girl instead of me," she said, shrugging casually.

"I didn't kidnap anybody." The boy came inches away from her face, breathing heavily. He had given up on trying to fix the lighting problem.

"Oh, yeah, that's right, sorry. You simply attacked me, forced me into the sound and lighting booth, oh also with a dagger against my neck all for fun. Sorry for misunderstanding," she snarled, backing the chair up even further away from him.

He stepped forward, not letting her get too far. "I need to know something that you just happen to know, so I took the opportunity to-"

"Kidnap me," she finished. "You took the opportunity to kidnap me. There's legit no other word in the dictionary for it."

"You know what? I don't care what you want to call it. Just tell me where the freaking thing is!" he exploded and pulled out the dagger. "Now."

The Beginning of The EndWhere stories live. Discover now