Chapter 4 - The Trouble

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Carlie and Luke were screwed. Big time.

Luke still wouldn't wake up and Carlie couldn't put any pressure whatsoever on her right leg.

The worst problem of all, was the fact that they were like sitting ducks. Just waiting in the hospital room, giving everyone and everything time to get them. The only reason why they were doing that was because Carlie had to a) think of a plan, b) wait for Luke's medicine to wear off, c) tell him the plan, d) actually do the plan. That all takes time.

Carlie searched the room (basically hopping around, opening doors, banging the side of her leg against multiple surfaces, cursing, etc.) for anything to help her leg. All she needed was a splint or a cast or something that would allow her to put a little pressure on the leg to stand and walk.

She set the pile of her findings on the hospital bed and sat down next to them. Good thing she was wearing the short patient's gown so she could see the whole wound covering from halfway up her thigh, down to her foot.

The findings included: two plastic splints that were just conveniently laying around; a package of gauze pads; three rolls of medical tape; and the most bandages Carlie had ever seen in her life.

She opened the gauze pad package and pulled out multiple pads, setting them in front of her as she went. She gently (not gently enough, telling by her grimace) pressed them onto the worst parts of her leg. She struggled to get near her foot without bending her knee, but managed to finish it.

There were still gauze pads left, so she covered most of her leg with the rest of them so the splints wouldn't touch her bare skin when she put them on.

The splints themselves were weird. She didn't even know people made such things - she just knew what she had seen her friend/cousin, Ana, use; branches or broken wooden planks.

She lined the splint up from midway down her calf to halfway up her thigh. She had no idea if it had to be sized correctly, but this was all she could do anyway so it was good enough.

All three medical tape rolls turned out to come to good use. She had to use up all of them to wrap around both of the splints on either side of her right leg.

Lastly, she wrapped all of her leg up with the bandages until a hand touched her shoulder. She almost hit the ceiling with fright and turned to look at Luke, whom was standing next to her, looking down at her leg.

"Hey, I'll finish. That looks like it hurts." He took the bandages from her hand and finished the roll at the base of her foot, slightly going over her heel. Somehow he did all that with one arm, while she struggled to do it with two.

"Thanks," she whispered. She realized her voice was a little shaky and noticed him looking down at her sympathetically. She touched her face and felt tears, but she quickly wiped them away.

"No problem. Why didn't they wrap it up for you?" he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Well...there was a little fight that we had..."

"Physical?" Luke's eyes widened.

She nodded. "Yeah, the nurse told me to...I-I guess I just did it out of adrenaline."

He glanced around the room. "How'd you get back here without catching people's attention?"

"Well, I got a few peoples' attention..."

"Oh god, how many?"

"Just a few. Three to be exact. Not many. But we need to go. Your little nap took a hour for you to wake up from. I'm sure that gave people some time to plan what to do next."

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