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"You shouldn't be here," he whispered into her ear. The cold blade of the dagger pressing against her throat didn't reassure her much for her safety, nor did the fact that he knew that she didn't belong.


Carlie isn't your average girl. She has a complicated past. No home, no known family, no friends. She also has a secret power that no one knows about, including her. What happens when that power is found out by the bad guys? What if that power could destroy the world and all civilization? What if that was what killed everybody she loved?

Luke is talented on many levels. He can play the flirt, spy, assassin. You name it, he can do it. He's involved in a secret program that saves the world as an everyday job. After one heartbreaking case, he moves on into another one unintentionally. Both cases can either save the world or destroy it.

When Carlie and Luke come together in unexpected ways, they must work closely to try to save the entire Earth population from destruction. It will be hard. It will be rough. It may even be impossible to live through. But they must succeed.

Will they? Or will human existence be wiped out?

Read to find out!!!



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