Chapter 14 - The Leg

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Carlie didn't see how someone could simply give a possibly fatal infection like thing to her with just one touch. She doesn't even see how it would be possible for a disease like this to transfer from one person to the next by touch in any amount of time.

Her leg was propped on two pillows, with the doctor hovering over it.


"Is that 'hmm' a good hmm or a bad hmm?" Carlie practically shrieked, eyes practically popping out of her head as she propped herself up onto her elbows to see better. Luke wasn't by her side, and for some reason that really bothered her. She didn't trust him completely, but he had saved her life. A few times. Ah, crap. She did sort of trust him. 

SHE JUST MET THIS BOY AND SHE TRUSTS HIM. NO. NOT OKAY. THIS WAS NOT FOLLOWING HER LIFE MOTTO: trust no one, everyone is bad, they will hurt you at some point. GAH.

"Well..." the doctor started saying, but stopped short. Jeez, dramatic much?

"Can you finish a flippin' sentence, lady?!" Carlie burst out. Not being careful of her wrist as she jerked up, she cursed under her breath and squeezed her eyes shut for a second.

The doctor looked up with a raised eyebrow. The white fluorescent lights reflected off her thin rimmed glasses, giving her a refined look. Her raven black hair had a slight blue undertone to it that made her hair shine with a cool blue tint to it.

"Er, sorry. Just slightly annoyed. Urm, I mean, not with you! But like, just with this whole thing-"

"Don't worry, hun. I understand. This is a lot for you to handle, I know. We'll take care of this together." As the doctor went back to checking out the weird tag thing in Carlie's foot, Johnny and Luke came back in.

"Will she be all set to stay in our place with this tag?" Luke asked.

Carlie's eyes practically popped out of her head when she heard that. Before the doctor could even think about a response, she interrupted. "What do you mean "Our place"? I have to stay with you two?!"

"Hey! We're not that bad!" Johnny pouted like a toddler.

Luke gave him a look and started talking, trying to calm her down. "We don't have any extra open apartments in this building at this moment and Johnny and I have a spare room in ours, so it'll be perfect. Plus, we're the only people you know here."

The doctor smiled. "They're good boys, Carlie. Don't worry. If they even begin to give you a hard time, just let me know. I'll straighten them out for you."

Carlie eyes all three of them wearily. "I don't have much of a say in this, do I?"

"Nope." Johnny grinned like a madman. "It'll be so much fun. We can binge watch, like, a gazillion movies. Despicable Me 1, 2, and 3 are all calling our names tonight!!"

That won a confused look from Carlie.

"You know...Gru and all those little yellow guys? The three girl scouts that Gru adopts? No? Nothing?"

Carlie fiddled with her fingers. "I've never seen a movie before," she whispered.

Johnny stared at her. "" he stuttered, completely making a fool out of himself.

Carlie gave a small cold laugh. "Didn't get around much when I was stea...uh...when I was living."

"Wait, what were you going to say?" Luke studied her carefully.

"Living. I was going to say living and I did say it so yeah. Okay, anyhow...what's the deal with my foot thing?" Carlie redirected her attention to the doctor, praying that she didn't cause too much suspicion.

"Good news and bad news. Which would you like first?"

"I only want the good news, but I'm guessing I'll also need the bad news. So bad first, please."

"Bad news: I am unsure on how to heal this tag, but we should be able to figure it out soon."

Carlie winced although there was no physical pain. "Good news?"

"You are all set to go with Luke and Johnny."



haha, get it? not good luck CHARLIE, but good luck CARLIE. haha. 

I amuse myself too much, I'm sorry.

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