Chapter 16 - The Call

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Luke grinned at the two of them sleeping on the couch together, as he stumbled out of his room. Carlie had completely passed out right on top of Johnny last night, and he had been out cold in the next two minutes.

Luke was exhausted just like Carlie, but he didn't normally sleep for long periods of time. On average he slept five hours at a time, six at most. Last night he'd gotten an extremely long amount of sleep for him - a full seven hours.

He walked into the kitchen and had a staring match with the dirty dishes. Needless to say, he lost.

A sigh erupted from his lips as he picked up the nearest stack of plates and stuffed them into the dishwasher.

One hour and fifty dishes later, Luke raided the cabinets and fridge for any food. His hunger hadn't hit him hard until he saw all the leftover food on the plates. That sure was a lot of food eaten by one person in three days.

Johnny must have had a fiesta with the all of the food in the apartment because Luke couldn't find any anywhere. He even kept a secret stash in his room under his bed, but apparently Johnny had found that too.

Luke's stomach growled in protest of the lack of food found. "Shut up," Luke grumbled back.

The phone rang from across the room and Luke bolted over to it. He picked it up on the third ring and glanced in his sleeping friends' direction. They still slept peacefully next to each other, not even budging at the noise the phone made.


"Hello, is this Johnny?"

"No, but can I take a message?"

"Yes, please do. Could you let Johnny know that he is requested down at the Medical Bay as soon as he can get down here? Dr. Hanley would like to talk to him about some things."

Luke raised an eyebrow even though the person on the other side of the phone couldn't see him. "Yes, I will let him know that. Does it need to be immediate, or-"

Someone grabbed the phone from Luke's hand from behind him. As a startled Luke turned around, he saw Johnny press the phone to his ear. "Yes, I will be right down. Thank you, Clarisse."

Johnny handed the phone back to Luke and jogged out of the room, not even bothering to say good morning.



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