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   (Emily on the side---->)


      When she first told me I remember her smile. It was large and showed off her dimples. Her eyes sparkled with pride. “We’re pregnant.” She said. She made a point of saying ‘we’re’ instead of ‘I.’ that showed that she and Jake were in this together. I was ecstatic for her; being her best friend that was my job, but so was giving her a reality check.

          “Annalise, you’re 19. We have our first day of University tomorrow. How is this going to work out?” Her eyes flashed and her smile faded off her face.

          “Why can’t you be happy for me? I’m going to have a baby. I’ve always wanted one and now I finally get to have a child with the man of my dreams.” She countered an underlying edge in her voice.

          “I am happy for you. It’s great that you are getting what you have always wanted but you both are young. You’re just starting out. I’m trying to look out for you.” Her smile returned at this.

          “I know that. I’m sorry. It’s the hormones.” She joked. “But really Emily, we’re going to be okay.”

          I always knew that something bad was going to happen. A sense of foreboding never once left my mind since the day she had told me.

          Everything seemed fine though, great actually. We did the math and our classes would end in May which was also the month that she was due. It was going to be tough on her but Annalise was determined to finish her first year at University of London. She and Jake had rented a flat not far from the school. He had a part-time job and treated Annalise like a princess. Sometimes the pet names and cooing over each other and the baby was bit much for me to handle.

          In her eighth month Annalise was put on bed rest and had to rely on me for her coursework. I would collect homework from her professors and record lectures in our shared classes. Everything was miraculously going perfectly for the two lovers. That’s why it came as such a devastating blow when the unimaginable happened.

          It was May 13, the sky was clear and the air was sweet. Anna was due any day now. She and I had been doing pedicures in my small flat, having a girl’s day before the baby came. She was reaching for her bottle of water when a look of surprise and a cry of pain escaped her mouth. She clutched her large stomach and rocked to her feet.

          “You’re having the baby.” I stated before jumping up frantically. “Sit down!” I instructed her ignoring the puddle on my kitchen floor. I called Jake who was at work while searching for my car keys.

          “Jake, she’s having the baby!” I screamed at him. “We’re going to the hospital, meet us there. She loves you!” I added as an afterthought.

          Anna and I rushed to the hospital; thankfully she only had one contraction in the car. Once she was safely hooked up to multiple machines and Jake had arrived I felt like I could breathe again. I stepped back and allowed the two lovers to have time alone. It was an extremely important time for them. Jake’s phone started to go off just as another contraction was winding down.

          “I’ll take over.” I prodded him out of the way and grabbed my best friends’ hand. “Don’t worry hun. This baby will be coming soon.” I soothed her.

          “Niall, dude, she’s having the baby. I’m about to become a dad. I wish you could be here man. No. I’ll see you next week yeah? The godfather will soon meet his godson. Okay I’ll send you pictures. Bye.” I heard Jake’s end of the conversation in the hallway. It must have been his best friend, Niall Horan. He was a famous bloke in One Direction. I was a fan but I had never personally met the guy but he was the last thing on my mind right now.

          Only two hours later and it was time for Ann to push. Jake held her hand the whole time and I was trying to give her encouragement. As soon as the baby was out we all breathed a sigh of relief. My sense of foreboding hadn’t left but I realized it was silly as she and the baby were both fine. I was terribly wrong I found out four hours later.

          She had a hemorrhage; Postpartum Hemorrhage is the correct term. It killed her. My best friend is dead. She died 13 hours ago. I’m still in shock and the wracking sobs of Jake are the sound that haunts me now in this waiting room. 


It's super short, I know but it's just the prologue! Please tell me what you think so far! Don't worry Niall will show up next chapter if people are interested! 

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