Chapter 9

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Daniel's POV

I met Hayley that morning on the way to the classroom "Brooke said that she was sorry that she acted like that yesterday, and that she hopes that we will find my parents," she told me.

"That's good. Are you ready to take that test?" I asked her as she slipped her hand in mine and nodded. A few seconds later we walked into the classroom.


After the test we got dismissed. At lunch papers were passed around with the scores of our test from the morning. Louis, and all of the teachers were passing around as everybody ate. My teacher came up and gave everybody at our table the cards.

Hayley got an 92. I got a 77. Alex got a 83. Brooke got a 90. Sophie got an 80. And Parker who rarely sits with us but does every once in a while, got an 72. After we finished eating we went to the hangout.

We had a busier day than we usually were in a day. We had the test. Which we already did, then lunch, then practice for two hours, then after that we have to get ready in our uniforms to take fall pictures for the yearly annual, then after that we all have dinner at a fancy restaurant with the basketball coach of the most popular elite boarding school in California named Southern California Academy.  Then we had an appointment to go back and talk to Officer Matthews and another detective that we have not met yet.

Hayley's POV

After lunch we went back to our rooms and changed into our practice uniforms. I put my purple spandex on and the yellow tank top and packed waters into my purse so I wouldn't get thirsty. After that I met up with Brooke and Sophie and we walked together to the gym.

We got there and went in the locker rooms and put our bags into our assigned lockers. I took a bottle of water out and tied my shoes that I kept loose until practice started. It was 2:30 when we stopped and were dismissed into the locker room I grabbed my bag and Brooke, Sophie, and me walked back to the hangout.

I met Daniel back and the hangout he hugged me and knew he was soaking wet from sweat "Ew," I said with a disgusted face as he laughed and we walked out together.

We got back to our rooms and I got into the shower for the pictures. I got out with a towel over my head and a robe on. I took the towel out of my hair and blow dried my hair. After about thirty minutes everybody was out of the shower and getting ready.

I put my regular cheer uniform on. Then put my white shoes on. The basketball players sat down wearing their uniforms. We had pictures at 4:00 it was now 3:45. Some of the basketball players came in the hangout and sat down. When all of us were there we left to go back to the gym.

When we got down to the gym the basketball players took their pictures first as a team then Daniel took a picture by himself as the captain. After that the cheerleaders got in a pyramid to take a picture. They put a large Eagles blanket down on the floor. Six people got on  the bottom, then five, then four, then three, then Brooke and Sophie, and of course I had to go on the top since I was the skinniest flyer.

Then Brooke took a picture by herself because she was the cheer captain for the Eagles. After that we got back and we had to go get ready for the event that started at 5:00. Louis came in with the basketball coaches. "The Limousines will be her to pick all of you up at 5:00 sharp. You need to be in the building and waiting by 5:00. Please wear nice clothes, we want to impress them. Their basketball players and cheerleaders will also be there so be nice to them," he said as we all nodded and they left so we could get ready.

I put a dress on and met Daniel outside by 4:45. "Your sitting next to me when we go and eat?" he asked as I nodded and he kissed my cheek.

I slipped on some sandals and he opened the hangout door and everybody went out. We got down there at 4:55 and waited a few minutes before four jet black limos showed up in front of the building and we all walked out. Daniel, Brooke, Sophie, Parker, and me got into the first limo, also with Louis and the basketball coach.

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