Chapter 11

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Before I get started there are some things that I accidentally changed from the show on Netflix that I missed and called them by a different name. I will be calling them by their actual names from the show for now on. Also I love the comments and support that you guys send me and I try to comment back.

Not Hangouts- Clubhouses

The basketball coaches name is Coach Davis.

Their teacher's name is Suzanne.

Hayley's POV

We got back to the Greenhouse, Tomorrow was the day that Alex was able to get the sling off permanently. We got to the clubhouse and Daniel and me watched a movie on the small thirty two inch flat screen TV that they got, winning a challenge a couple years back before I came. My Louie buzzed, it was a unknown Louie number.

"Hello?" I said and they instantly answered back in an annoyed voice.

"Hey!" the guy said and I was confused about who it was.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"You seriously don't know who this is?" the guy said to me for some reason expecting me to just randomly know him without telling me who he was.

"Nope," I said.

"It is Leo, you know Leo Cruz?" he said.

"Yeah? What do you want," I said without any expression and was not rude in anyway.

"I know you are still mad at me," he said and I was confused. Daniel came in and sat down and was about to talk to me before I raised my index finger and he smiled and stayed silent while I was on the phone.

"What makes you think that, Leo?" I said and I looked at Daniel and had the most confused face.

"Because you ignore me," he said as I rolled my eyes.

"I am on the Eagles now and I have a boyfriend and you know this Leo and I don't know why your calling me anyways after all this time after this all confident with the way you talked to me at the opening challenge at the beginning of the year," I said as there was some silence for a couple of seconds.

"I'm sorry about that," he said.

"Okay," I said not feeling sorry for him.

"I should have never broke up with Aspen, because your one of those girls who thinks your better than everybody else, but we are not through talking!" he said almost yelling over the phone.

"Yes, we are," I said as I took the ear piece out of my ear and hung up without giving him a chance to say anything else because I didn't feel like hearing him talk anymore.

"What was that all about?" Daniel asked me

"He probably wants me back, he called me yelling talking about betraying him and talking to Aspen," I said back to him and he rolled his eyes then grabbed my hand.

"Let's go for a run," He said to me as he pulled me off of the couch.

"Fine, okay." I said as I went and changed clothes into some workout clothes and some running shoes.

" I said as I went and changed clothes into some workout clothes and some running shoes

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We left the clubhouse and ran on the beach. It started to get colder, Daniel usually wore pants when he ran instead of shorts. After about forty five minutes of running we decided to go back to the Greenhouse.

We had practice in an hour so we decided to go back to the clubhouse to get ready. Alex and Brooke were on the couch watching a movie when we came in. Alex waived and Daniel and me waved back. My Louie rang, I looked at it then I saw who it was and ignored the phone call "Nope, not doing this again, especially not before a game," I said and Alex, Brooke, and Daniel were looking at me really confused.

"Leo has been calling me on and off all day about different stuff, I don't know what is wrong with him," I said.

"Maybe somebody hypnotized him," Alex said and I raised my eyebrows.

"Please, I don't want anything that happened last year to ever happen again," I said.

"But, Hayley that could be what is happening. I mean your mom and dad are missing and we know Daniel's mother has something to do with this, and Jason too because they all broke out of prison at the same exact time. There is a connection between all of this," Brooke said and I though that that was actually a really smart thing to think about but I don't know why we didn't think about that before.

" Maybe things are turning out like they did last year," I said and all three of them looked at me.

"Well hopefully they won't make an earthquake with mom's magnetite again," Alex said and I scoffed.

"I just hope we will find her soon," I said and Alex and Daniel nodded.


I felt like we were close to finding Mom and Dad but also far away. Hayley and me both know that there is something going on with that detective at the police department.

The detective had short gray hair, he looked like he was in his fifty's or sixties. He was kind of chubby, weighed maybe two hundred pounds(91 kilograms).

I went and got ready for practice. I got my practice uniform out of my dresser drawer and put it on. There was a small dresser in front of everybody's bed and it was against the wall.

After that I went to the bathroom and put my hair up in a high ponytail. After that I saw and cheer shoes on. Then met Daniel and Alex down at the clubhouse.

I grabbed my bag which I packed earlier when I had some free time with all of the necessary stuff that I need for practice. We hung out in the clubhouse until everybody was ready to leave. After that the whole team walked out together. Alex was the last one out so he lock the door then we made our way to the gym.

Brooke, Daniel, Alex, Sophie, and me rode down to the gym in Daniel's car. The rest of the team made their own way down there.

After we were done practicing it was lunchtime. I went back to the rooms and put on some casual clothes. After that we all went out to get something to eat. I ordered and waited for the food to come, then we sat down at a table.

The thing about the mystery this time is that who ever they are and whoever is working for them has covered up their footprints better than they did before. That's the reason why we could figure it out before but can't now.

"We need to tell Louis," Daniel told me.

"We have already told Louis everything that we know," I said.

Everybody came to the hangout and started doing different stuff around us, "You know about the suspicion," Daniel said back to me, now whispering.

"I mean I know we have always had a suspicion about the detective but I don't have an actual suspicion about who the real person is exactly," I said and he nodded back.

Alex came and started talking to us about it and Daniel told us everything that Daniel just told me.

Daniel and me got to an empty hallway without anybody there. We were on the way to one of Suzanne's lessons when he stopped me "Do you still not know who I think that detective is in real life?" Daniel asked me and I nodded.

"It is Marcus, babe and I am going to prove it,"

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