Chapter 8

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Hayley's POV

"Where do they think they are?" I asked Alex over the phone.

"I don't know, they haven't told me yet," He said as I hung up the phone and kept driving as fast as I could without getting a speeding ticket.

It was 6:00 and police station closed at 9:00 so we had three hours to figure out where my parents are and get them back safely. "I really hope my mother isn't involved in this," Daniel said.

"You know Daniel, she might be. She shot Alex, I don't think she would have if she wasn't somewhat part of this, but I think your mom and my mom used to be friends, what changed?" I said trying to figure out an answer to a question I didn't know.

"She is jealous. Ever since my dad died two years ago she has been greedy with everything she gets her hands on, and jealous of people that are higher than her. She wanted your parent's money, all of it. She was thinking about just breaking in and taking it but I convinced her not to. 

The rest of the way there he explained her plan but it didn't fall through. He said  "Last year she was planning on blowing the whole Greenhouse up and Jason helped her. We were lucky though because we found the cave before they were able to and the police deactivated the bomb that was in there."

We arrived there and we parked beside Alex and walked in. When we did I saw Alex sitting on one of the fold out chairs waiting. "Hey," he said whispering.

I through my hand up and waved back to him  went to the front desk where a woman sat in a police uniform "How may I help you?" The woman said nicely. She looked like she was in her late twenties to early thirties.

"Yes I am Hayley Woods and that is my brother Alex and we got an update to come and talk to an officer about the update on our parent's case," I said as she started to type on the computer.

"Okay your parents are Ryan and Carter Woods?" She asked as I nodded.

"Okay you can go back, an officer will see you in just a few moments,"

Alex, Daniel, and me sat in the room and waited for a cop to come in. They were not going to let Daniel come in but I told them that he was my boyfriend and that his mother was part of it too. "When do you think somebody will be in here?" Daniel asked.

"Who knows? Besides we have only been waiting in here for like five minutes, I am sure you won't die waiting," Alex said as Daniel shook his head. I cracked a smile because I thought it was funny, what Alex said to Daniel. I got on my phone and read the update on the news.

A police finally came in after a few minutes 'Hey, I am Officer Matthews and I am working with your mother and father's case," he said as he shook all of our hands.

"Well can you tell us everything that has happened up to this point?" Alex asked him.

"Well this started approximately one month ago when school started again. You said that your dad stop being present in the video calls?" He asked.

I nodded "Okay,  so you went to your home two hours from your school to find no signs of your parents anywhere?" He said and Alex never nodded.

He paused a few seconds before talking thinking maybe that we have questions. "So all of you started going back every weekend and the last time you went Alex got shot?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Do you know who shot him?" He asked as we all nodded.

"Who was it?" he asked again.

"It was Daniel's mother, Judy Hayward," Alex said in a calm voice but I knew he could barely contain his anger.

"Okay we are going to a different room to talk to you about the update," he said as we all got up and left the room and he closed the door behind us.

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