I'm standing in an abandoned barn thing while Jennifer, Derek's little girlfriend, stands in the middle of mountain ash circle. Turns out that she was the darach the whole time. Derek was surprised and I rubbed it in his face of course. Ducalien is on our side right now, which is odd, but we need to do whatever we can to save the parents who were captured. I watched as Scott broke through the circle with his newly found alpha power. Jennifer changed into her ugly monster again and cursed at him.
"Bro, you did the frick frack with that," I chuckled as I elbowed Derek in the side.
"Actually I didn't," he whispered. I turned to look at him.
"I saw you two making out in your bed," I said.
"Yeah and that's all we did," he sighed.
"Well you still stuck your tongue in that mouth so I'd be brushing my teeth extra long tonight," I retorted. I watched as the devil woman perished in front of me. We then turned our attention to Ducalien.
"We're going to let you go, but if you go back to what you used to be, we will find you," Scott warned. I nearly had a heart attack. They're letting him go?! He nodded and rushed from the barn. Scott rushed to where his mother was and it left Derek and I alone.
"I think I'm going away for a while, taking Cora down south somewhere," he told me. My heart instantly sank.
"How long will you be gone?" I asked.
"A few months probably, why?" he questioned.
"Curious is all." I mumbled. I turned to him one last time. "You'll always be my alpha,"
That was the last thing I said to him for three months.