Chapter 22

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After the Nagitsune terror had ended, things started getting back to normal. Scott and Kira had a thing going, stiles was finally back to normal, Brianna and Isaac were doing great, and Lydia had a new grasp on her powers. Derek and I had been going fantastically.

Today is the day I graduated from high school. All of my friends showed up, even my father showed up sober. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do after high school but I don't want to leave Derek. I accepted my diploma and I heard a few howls from the crowd. I laughed and shook my head. I had a party at my house after to celebrate. I watched as my friends danced and had a good time. I pretended for a moment that we were all normal. That terror couldn't touch us in our happy little bubble. That sadness hasn't stained our lives permanently from past events. Derek placed a hand on my arm and kissed me quickly.

"So what are your plans now?" he asked.

"I honestly don't know," I sighed. "I want to stay, but I want to go as well."

"I understand what you mean." He replied.

"I think.... I think I should stay.... maybe get a place of my own and get a job, go to an online school to get my degree," I said. His face lit up slightly.

"Well you know, it's a bit lonely at my place," he mumbled.

"Are you asking me to move in with you?" I asked trying to hide a smile. He nodded. "I'd love that"

"Good," he smiled. "It'll be easier to protect you from any harm,"

"You think I need protecting?" I asked. Just then I was picked up, brought outside, and thrown into our pool. Isaac and stiles laughed at me. Derek smirked.

"Maybe," he chuckled. He reached his hand down to help pull me up. I tugged on his arm and pulled him down with me. Soon everyone was in the pool. Brianna was splashing us with her waterworks. My best friends surrounded me and my true love held me in his arms. There couldn't be a better way to end my high school experience.

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