Chapter 1

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"Nicki you ain't shit but a nasty ass slutty ass stripper! Okay?! I don't know why you goin' to college to be honest. You can't do shit but get naked and shake yo' ass.", my boyfriend Trey yelled. I honestly don't know why we're arguing. There's no reason for us to argue, right now at least. He just came in starting shit talking about me being a stripper. He's always doing this and treating me like shit.

"Fuck you Trey! I'm doin' what I gotta do to pay for college! If that mean I gotta shake me ass, imma shake my ass! At least I'm not sellin' ass!", I yelled back.

"I been meanin' to get on yo' ass about that. You sure about that sellin' ass part? Cause my homie told me some shit and you been bringin' in a lot of money lately."


"I'm done talkin' to yo' ass. I gotta go.", he said cutting me off and walking to the room door. "King gone be here in a minute." I just looked at him as he left. King's at his momma's house.

I honestly don't know why I stay with him. I really don't. He cheat on me. He don't respect me. He don't treat me right. He don't love me.  He don't deserve me, but I stay.

Man I'm stupid. I really am.


"You wanna eat eat King?", I asked as I looked in the refrigerator. He said something, I don't know what of course. There's nothing in here. I looked through the cabinets but it wasn't anything them.

Trey gets all this money but can't do shit but pay some bills. Don't get me wrong I don't expect him to do everything but he can at least put shit in the house. I pay some bills and put everything in the house. I take care of King. I buy all of his clothes, shoes, pampers, all that shit. He don't do nothing for him.

He barely spend time with him and I hate that. King needs and deserves his daddy in his life. I can do it all except teach him how to be a man.

I looked at King. "It looks like we gotta go to the store baby.", I said after I huffed. "Come on." I picked him up and took him to me and Trey's room. I got some money then got us ready and left.


I held onto the cart as I looked through the meat. I swear this shit is getting more and more expensive. Maybe it's just me. I don't know.

As I put meat in the cart King started crying. My baby is such a crybaby. I picked him up and softly bounced him. "Shh.", I said.

"Can I try?", a man asked after about two minutes.

"No, I got it, thank you though." He started pulling my hair. "Ow King no." He started crying louder. The man took my hair from his hand then took him from me. I tried getting him back.

"I got him, I'm not gone run off." I kept trying as he softly bounced him. "What's wrong little man? Why you givin' yo' momma a hard time?" King stopped crying and I stopped reaching for him. "There we go." He gave him back to me and I put him in the cart.

"Thanks.", I said.

"No problem. I'm Sean.", he said holding out his hand. I shook it.


"I would really like to get to know you Nicole."

"I'm in a relationship.", I said. Not a good one.

"What's wrong with being friends?", he asked. What is wrong with being friends?

"Nothing I guess."

"Lets get to know each other. If we like each other we can be friends. If we don't like each other we can stop talkin'." I bit the inside of my lip. Why not?

"Okay.", I said. He smiled then we exchanged numbers.

"Text me when you free. Be good for yo' momma little man, a'ight?", he asked.

"Mama.", King said smiling. Sean smiled at him.

"A'ight, I'll see y'all later.", Sean said.

"See you later.", I said smiling. "Say bye King."

"Bye bye.", King said waving. Sean smiled.

"See you later little man.", Sean said. We went our separate ways.


Trey will not watch King while I go to work. Nobody else can watch him. I don't know what to do. I really need to go to work. "Bitch I got shit to do!", Trey yelled.

"You really fenna put a bitch before yo' son?!", I yelled back. He started walking to the door. "Trey can you please watch him?", I asked grabbing his hand and getting on my knees. "Trey if I don't go in imma get fired. I can't get fired Trey I can't." He just looked at me. I cannot believe I'm on my knees begging him to watch his own son. He licked his lips.

"What you gone do for me?"

"Whatever you want daddy." I stood up. He smiled and unbuttoned his pants.

"You know what I want, you better get started.", he said. I bit my lip and got on my knees then went to work.

Why am I still with him?


Should I keep going or no?

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