Chapter 15

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My momma died this morning. She woke up then died. They said they did everything they could but I don't believe them. If they did everything they could she would still be here.

This is just making me more and more pissed and hurt and sad. I am going to kill Treshawn, that's a promise. Imma need help though so imma ask Sean. I don't think he's mad at me. He should understand why I cut him off.

I just made it to his house. I rung the bell and waited for him to answer.

About a minute later a girl answered. She's pretty.

 She's pretty

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He moved on. This hurts. Bad. I don't know why though. I can't be mad cause I cut him off.

My heart is beating fast and I feel like crying.

She smiled. "Sorry.", I said. I started quickly walking away as tears formed in my eyes.

"Nicole!", I heard Sean call. I stopped walking and ran my hands down my face wiping my eyes on the low. I turned around and saw him walking to me. "What up?" I just looked at him.

"I found out who killed King and-"

"I did too. I was gone handle it tonight before he left."

"I wanna help.", I said.

"I don't want you to get hurt.", he said.

"That's the last thing I'm worried about. He killed my son and my momma. I wanna kill him, slowly." He shook his head up and down.

"A'ight, I'll pick you up at 10." I shook my head up and down. I turned around and started walking to my car then I stopped. I turned around and saw the girl walking to us.

I want Sean. I need Sean. I don't want him with nobody else. "Introduce me to yo' friend Sean.", the girl said.

"Pick me.", I said.

"What?", Sean asked confused.

"Pick me. I cut you off and I'm sorry. Sean I don't wanna do this without you. I want you. I need you. Don't pick her, pick me.", I said with a crack in my voice.

"What?", she asked as he walked to me. He grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"That's what I needed to hear.", he said after we stopped kissing. The girl pushed Sean. "KeKe imma punch you in yo' shit."

"I wanted her.", the girl whined.

"Wait, y'all not together?", I asked. They both looked at me.

"Hell no.", they said. "I like girls. This my brother. Not by blood but blood don't make you family loyalty does.", the girl said. True.

"Ooohhh.", I said. I smiled. "Good, good." I wanna know why he didn't tell me about his daughter.


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