Chapter 4

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When I pulled up and saw a car that's like Trey's. "Momma who car is that?", I asked as I walked into the front room. I saw King on Trey's lap. Trey looked at King as he played with his phone. Trey looked at me. "Why are you here?", I asked tossing my bag on the couch.

"I came to see King and talk to you.", he said. I looked at him confused.


"Can we talk in private?"

"What ever you gotta say you can say here.", I said.

"I'm sorry. I fucked up and now I lost you and King. I was being stupid. I didn't realize what I had until it was too late. I just need you to give me another chance. I'll be faithful, I'll take care of you and King, I'll spend time with y'all, I'll be the man I was supposed to be before I lost you. Just give me another chance.", he said.

"I can't do that Trey. You don't deserve me." He shook his head up and down.

"Can I at least spend time with King?"

"You wanna spend time with King?", I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah.", he said.

"Okay who are you and what did you do with my baby daddy?" He chuckled. "I'm so serious."

"It's me baby. I mean Nicole. Can I?"

"Yeah I guess, you his daddy.", I said.

"Imma come get him tomorrow and bring him back Sunday.", he said.


"I gotta go do somethin' for my momma." Yeah right.

"A'ight.", I said.

"Imma see you tomorrow little man.", he said before hugging King. He put him down and took his phone then stood.

"Say bye King."

"Bye bye.", King said waving. Trey walked to me as he went into his pocket. He got a big ass stack out and gave me some.

"What is this for?", I asked confused.

"King.", he said.

"I don't-"

"Raisin' a baby ain't cheap especially when you gotta pay for college. You don't gotta do this shit alone." I been doin' it alone for a while now. I'm not gone turn it down though cause he is right, it ain't cheap.

"A'ight.", I said. He tried hugging me but I pushed him. "Nigga move."


I'm at Sean's house with King chilling. I looked at them as they played with each other. Sean is so good with kids I don't know why he don't have his own. "What y'all on this weekend?", Sean asked.

"I gotta study, we only got a week left, and King gone be with Trey. I guess since he seen you with him he wanna step his shit up.", I said.

"That's good. What about next weekend?"

"Nothin', what's up?"

"Y'all tryna chill with my fam?", Sean asked.

"You want us to meet yo' family?", I asked.



"Sean.", King said. Sean's eyes lit up for some reason.

"He said my name!", Sean said looking at me and smiling.

"Yeah he did.", I said.

"He never said my name before."

"I know." Why is he so happy? "Why are you so happy Sean?"

"Cause he said my name!", Sean said. I just looked at him as he looked at me smiling. Trey never even get happy when he said dada.

I smiled then Sean looked at King.


I left my wallet At Sean's house when I left so I came back to get it. I left King at the house.

I'm looking for my wallet now. "You sure you left it here?", he asked. I turned and looked at him. He don't got on a shirt and he's eating cereal. Man man man. Okay Nicole chill out.

"Yeah, I think.", I said looking again. I been looking for a minute now.

"Just go home, when I find it I'll give it to you."

"Okay." I hope I don't get pulled over or some shit. I turned around. "Can I get some?"

"Of my Lucky Charms?", he asked.

"Yeah.", I said.

"Sorry baby but I don't share my Lucky Charms." I ran to him and tried getting them. He raised them above his head. He only did that cause he know I'm short. I tried jumping and getting it making it fall.

"I am so sorry." We got down at the same time bumping heads. We looked up. He kisses me and I kisses him back. We stood up not breaking the kiss. He picked me up and carried me to his room then things got heated.

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