Chapter 3

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I am so tired man, I can barely keep my eyes open. I didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep last night. I was up all night with King. He just wouldn't sleep for some reason. Now my sleep is all fucked up. I know I won't be able to take a nap most likely. Ugh. "Nicole?", the teacher asked waking me all the way up.

"Yes?", I asked.

"Am I boring you?"

"No sir."

"Keep your eyes open.", he said.

"Sorry.", I said.

"Don't be sorry just keep your eyes open." I shook my head up and down. He started teaching again. I took notes.


"King?", I called as I walked in the house. I've been living with my momma for a month now. She helps with King but she got a life too.

Me and Sean are kinda close now. I love how he is with King.

Trey haven't seen King not once, I'm not surprised. King miss him, I know he do, he miss seeing him at least. That's all he ever did.

I walked into the front room looking for him but I didn't see him or my momma. I went to the kitchen but I didn't see him or my momma. Where are they? I went to my room and saw King asleep on the bed. I put my stuff down then went to my momma's room. "Momma?", I asked as I opened her door. My eyes got wide when I saw her sucking up her boyfriend. I quickly closed the door and went back to my room closing the door behind me. Okay then.


I'm chilling in my room with Sean and King. I'm watching Sean watch King. "Why you lookin' at my son like that?", I asked.

"He don't look like his daddy.", Sean said. What is he tryna say?

"What you tryna say Sean?!"

"Calm down, I'm just sayin' that he don't look like him."

"So you tryna say I cheated?!", I asked standing up. "You tryna say imma hoe?! Huh?!", I asked pushing his head before he could reply. I don't  know why I pushed him.

"Man chill the fuck out!", he yelled back catching me off guard. King started crying. We reached for him at the same time. I smacked his hands away. When I picked King up he started crying louder and reaching for Sean. Sean took him from me and rocked him. "I'm sorry little man.", he said as he rocked King. "Yo' momma just gotta keep her hands to herself King."

I shouldn't have pushed him. I don't know what I'd do if he hit me back.

King stopped crying and I sat back down. I looked at my fingers. "I'm sorry.", I said looking at him. He didn't look at me. "I just, I don't like people sayin' I'm not faithful. That just get under my skin for some reason. I shouldn't have pushed you, I'm sorry." He looked at me.

"Just keep yo' hands to yo' self and I wasn't sayin' that, I was just sayin' he didn't look like him. That's it. I don't look like my pops, but that's my pops.", Sean said.

"Oh." I yawned.

"You gotta go in tonight?"

"Yeah.", I said shaking my head. Before Sean could say anything my door opened. I swear she do not know how to knock.

"I can't watch King tonight. Ask one of yo' cousins.", my momma said. I don't fuck with my cousins them bitches jumped me when I was 16 cause one of their boyfriends broke up with them to get at me. I wasn't going though.

"You know I don't mess with them.", I said.

"Well, I don't know you gone do."

"I'll figure somethin' out."

"A'ight." She left closing the door behind her. I ran my hands down my face. I guess I gotta beg Trey again. King is not about to go to sleep so I'm about to be up until after work. I'm only gone get a few hours. It's better than nothing I guess.

"I can watch him.", Sean said. I can trust Sean but I can't have him watch King for that long.

"I can't have you do that. He's a handful. I'll just talk to Trey.", I said.

"You mean beg dude." I didn't say anything. "It's really not a problem. I can watch him till you done with school tomorrow."


"Yeah.", he said.

"You sure?", I asked.

"Yeah. Me and little man gone chill and watch tv and shit."



My phone ringing woke me up. I looked and it's Sean. He took King out for a little bit so I could get some sleep.

Sean:Come open the door.
Me:It's unlocked.
Sean:Is moms here? Ian tryna get cursed out.
Me:Nah she gone, come in.

We hung up. My door opened a minute later. "Mama.", I heard King say. I sat up.

"Hey baby.", I said as they walked to me. They're holding hands. I picked him up then Sean sat down.

"I saw his pops.", Sean said.

"What happened?", I asked.

"Nothin' he just kept lookin' at us. He looked pissed."

"He can't get mad that somebody actually wanna spend time with King. What he won't do someone else will." After I said that my phone rung. I looked and it's Trey. "It's Trey." I answered the phone.

Trey:Why you have King with some nigga?!
Me:First off you can lower yo' voice. Secondly why do you care? You don't spend time with him. You don't do shit for him. I had to give you head so you would watch him. Sean will watch him and take him to the park or to get ice cream or what ever without expectin' anything. He ask to do it. You didn't step up to the plate so another nigga did.
Trey:Man I do shit for King. I take him places. I-
Me:Nigga you only take him to yo' momma house. Man I'm done talking to you. Goodbye.

I hung up and tossed my phone on my bed. "You had to give him head to watch him?", Sean asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Don't judge me Sean.", I said.

"I'm not that's just fucked up."

"Yeah it is."

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