Chapter 6

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It's been about two weeks. I got my own place now. Don't get me wrong I love my momma but I can't stand her ass sometimes.

I'm starting to get close with Trey again and I don't know how I feel about that. We're not together or anything but we're cool now.

Me and Sean are closer than me and Trey. That's my boo but he don't know that yet.

I spend a lot of time with the both of them.

While I was cooking me and King something to eat the doorbell rung. I wonder who's here. The people I talk to are busy.

I turned the stove eye down then went to answer the door. "Who is it?", I asked as I walked to the door.

"Duke.", a man said. Duke? Who in the hell is Duke? I opened the door confused.

 Duke? Who in the hell is Duke? I opened the door confused

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"Can I help you?"

"I need to see yo' man Nicole." How do he know my name?

"Umm I don't have a man. How do you know me name?"

"Yo' man talk about you all the time.", he said.

"I don't have a man!", I said.

"Woah calm down Miss.Morison." What the fuck? King started screaming. I tried closing the door but he wouldn't let me. I ran to King's room and saw a man in all black with a mask holding him. I ran to him and snatched King from him. I held King close to me as I backed back. I looked at the door and saw the Duke dude. What in the fuck is going on?

"What do yo want?!", I yelled. Duke walked to me slowly as the dude in black pulled out a gun. I held King's head to my chest as he cried.

When Duke made it to me he moved my hair out of my face. "You beautiful.", he said slowly rubbing his hand down my side.

"No! Leave!" He choked me and pushed me against the wall making King cry louder. He kissed me. I tried moving but I couldn't. "Okay, okay, okay! Just please let me go." He stopped kissing me and smiled as he let me go.

"Put the kid down and let's go." I kissed King's head then put him down. He kept reaching for me as he cried. I'm so sorry baby. "Come on T. It's time." I gotta fuck both of them? Fuck my life.

God I know I don't talk to you a lot but I really need you right now. Please let somebody save me. I know you may not come when I want you but you most definitely will come when I need you and I need you now. Come on please come through.

As we walked to my room Sean came out of nowhere and started fucking both of them up. I went and got King. "Shh it's okay baby.", I said as I softly bounced him. "It's okay."

"Y'all good?", I heard Sean ask. I turned around then ran to him. He hugged us tightly.

"Oh my God Sean I was so scared."


He asked what happened and I told him. "You need to call dude over here right now. It had to be him.", Sean said.

"Trey wouldn't do somethin' like this.", I said.

"You only hang with us that I know of. It wasn't me so it had to be him. This nigga knew yo' first and last name and where you live. Who else know that shit?"

"You, him, and my momma."

"Call him over.", he said. I called him and told him to come over.


"You think I would do some shit like that?!", Trey yelled. "I should smack-"

"I dare you.", Sean said getting in his face. Is this fool crazy? I wish he would put his hands on me.

"Well it had to be one of y'all.", I said.

"I'd never do no shit like that yo you and King.", Sean said.

"If never do no shit like that you you or my son.", Trey said looking at Sean.

"He like my son.", Sean said looking at Trey. He do treat him like it.

One of them did this shit now I just gotta figure out who.

Wait, my momma probably told my cousins that I moved and where and they ass probably did this shit. I'm on they ass.

"Okay!", I yelled stopping them from arguing. "I think my momma told my cousins, maybe it was one of them." I know they would do some shit like this to me before one of them would.

"A'ight, you and King good though?", Trey asked.

"Yeah.", I said.

"A'ight I gotta go, imma text you later."

"Okay." He walked to the back. I'm guessing to say bye to King. "Sean don't leave us."

"I'm not.", he said. He pulled me to him and held me. "You sure you good?"

"No, I'm scared.", I said.

"Imma stay with y'all for a minute."


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