The Broadcast

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I was feeling much better now. It had been two days since James had rescued me. I had been able to sleep without James that night. The hallucinations had gone. Sometimes I would still get nightmares. When my screams woke me up, James would rush in from his station outside my door. I kept telling him to get some sleep, but he wouldn't sleep at night. Occasionally, he would doze off and take a nap, but that was it.

I was able to walk now as well. I hopped out of bed and opened my curtains to let in some of the bright sunlight. I went to my vanity and brushed my hair. Then suddenly, I realized something. I should do a broadcast about what happened. I can't hide my scars. People would wonder. I was ready to talk about it.

Realizing that I would do a broadcast today, I got all ready. I did my hair, makeup and chose a dress.

My cut was visible

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My cut was visible. I would have to get used to it.

James knocked and I let him in.
"You look beautiful." He said kissing my cheek. I told James my plan to do a broadcast.
"I was thinking the same thing. I wasn't going to mention it yet though. I didn't know if you were ready." He said.
"I'm ready." I said. I really was.

James and I headed to our head advisor and told her our plan.
"That sounds lovely." The old woman said. "I'll get the camera crew ready. Is five minutes okay?" She asked. I nodded and thanked her.

I was getting a little nervous as I stepped into the brightly lit filming room. James noticed and gave me a hug.
"You're going to do great, okay. I'll be right on the other side of the camera. You can look at me if you get scared." He said. How did I get so lucky to have this handsome and wonderful man?

I sat on the seat they put out for me. They counted down from three and I started.

"Something terrible happened a few days ago." I paused. "I was knocked unconscious and kidnapped. I was held captive where they tortured me for information. They wanted to know about secret passage ways and codes, so they could put themselves in charge of France. I would rather have died than given them that information that could threaten the whole county." My voice was getting shaky. I looked at James, who nodded encouragingly. I took a deep breath and continued.

"I knew I had to tell you. I can try to hide the emotional scars, but I can't hide the physical ones." I said, pointing out the obvious scar that was showing in my off the shoulder dress.

"But, I'm alright. They have to do more than that to stop me." I said. Then, I repeated everything in French, so most everyone could understand. I was fluent in both English and French, which is very convenient.

The cameras stopped filming and I walked over to James.
"Good job." He said. "And I could actually understand most of the French at the end." He said. I was surprised. I didn't know he knew French.
"You know French?" I asked as we walked out.
"Yeah. I learned it in high school. Everyone said it would be more practical to learn Spanish, but here I am, in Paris." He said.

"Say something in French." I said. He thought for a second.
"Tu es belle." He said, kissing me. Aw. He said I'm beautiful.
"Merci." I said "Wait, who were you saying that to in high school?" I asked with fake anger in my voice.
"Um. No one." James said. We laughed as we walked through the palace.

"Tu es mon prince charmant." I said.
I told him he was my prince charming.
"Je rougis." He said, fanning his face. He had said I'm blushing. I laughed at him as we walked out to our willow tree.
"Voulez-vous danser avec moi?" He said, asking if I wanted to dance. I nodded. "Oui." I said, taking his hand.

We danced in the gardens. I loved being with him. It was like everything was back to normal. He twirled me and we stayed there, close to each other. At one point, he twirled me a little to hard and dropped me. I fell to the ground and he came falling down too. I burst into laughter.

After that, we just lay together, looking at the trees and the sky. It was a perfect day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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