Chapter 8: "Pre-ditions"

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Chapter 8

"I find it kinda cute"

I gave both of them hopeless looks, as I snuggled deeper into the soft carpet of my bedroom floor. I closed my eyes since the light bulb on the ceiling was burning right into my eyes. Stretching my tired legs out, my feet hit the shopping bags piled on top of each other, which of course caused them to tumble down into a giant mess.

"God" I muttered in frustration.

"I don't think it's that bad" Bay mused, splayed on my bed.

Sitting beside me, Rads crossed her legs and began to braid my hair.

"Like I said" she started "I find it kinda cute"

I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows.

"They we're practically creating the next generation in the freaking stall" I explained.

"You said they was just smoochin'" Bay reminded.

I rolled my eyes and tried to unveil the evils of contact with the creature called "Jill".

"She's not as nice as you guys think!" I impatiently explained.

"Why Mims, what did she do?"

Rads stopped braiding my hair and stood up to join Bay. She started swatting Bay's arm in excitement.

"Maybe, maybe," she started singing "Mimsie here's just jea-"

Before she could say anything that she might regret, my cell phone vibrated in my pocket-scaring the crap out of me if I may add.

"Jesus" I said under my breath answering the call, "Hello?"


"Mr. Hollis?"

He paused for a while before answering me.

"Yes. I need you at the parking lot where we go for the A.A. Program tomorrow. We're seeing a couple of the casting directors"

My nerves tripled in response to his words.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"We're going to meet up with some of the casting directors. You know to see if they're really interested in you"

Anger replaced my nerves.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm pretty sure you of all people would realize that I'm not prepared!" I hissed.

"Relax Mimi. It's not the actual audition. I just had the opportunity of getting you a kind of look over, to you know improve whatever they want you to improve"

I paused.

"Oh. I didn't know you can do that" I said releasing a long breath.

"I've got...connections"

Curiosity nabbed inside me, but I amazingly kept my questions down.

"So tomorrow at the parking lot, got it"

"It's at two o'clock"

I nodded.

"Do I need to bring anything with me?"

"Eh, no. Just try to dress a little more...lady like or professional"

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it"

"Bye Mimi, and try to be patient tomorrow"

"Bye!" I echoed ignoring his little tips and snapped my phone shut.

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