.:28:. -Shower Thoughts-

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2:00 - 2:10


9:38 - whenever the prank finishes...




Shower thoughts. I have those a lot. They can be really random thoughts but they are thoughts no Jake-Pauler would image I think of. Off camera I am a relitiveley different person. I am crazy and all but I take advantage that Im old enough to do shit like drink or smash or have screwed up thoughts and not be as shamed as a 10-year-old would.

I slowly take off my close and climb into the shower. I wash my hair first just for the sake of it and then wash my body with some some super expensive soap that apparently is . "natural deoderant and perfume. It lotions your skin as you shower and of course cleans your skin." (I read that off the bottle) and it lives up to the lotion and washing part but I dont know baout the rest. It was about $50 for a bottle about the size of a regular poland spring watter bottle. 

As the water hits my face, each drop is like a new thought. I rinse my body and close my eyes as the water trickcles down my forehead to my eyes, the droplets soak onto my eyelashes then drip off. I have some long-ass eye lashes. 

I open my eyes and turn the shower off. I step out and dry my body off with a towel and throw on some shorts. I walk up to one of my mirrors and stare at my shirtless self. "Who am I?" Its weird for me to be asking myself that question but I have all of a sudden blanked. Yeah I have 5 trillion tattooes on my leg. Yes I have hazel eyes. Yes I am straight up blonde. Yes I am white. Yes I am famous. Yes I have a brother. Yes I have a girlfriend. Yes I own a mansion, but do I know what I want to do at the age of 35? Would I keep vlogging? How would I engage my audience? How would I keep up my energy? I know that Casey Neistat is 37. He looks like he is 50 years old though. He is a high energy, sweet guy! Where would I go? 

I drop my jaw and then fuzz up my hair by rubbing my hand vigorously through it. I have many questions but not many answers. 

After I get out the bathroom, I head downstairs.

"Jake...." Nick says, coming out from the kitchen.

"Sup Crompton."

"Hey umm... Do still plan to invite this yodeling kid?" Nick asks me, sitting beside me on the couch. "Remeber you did clickbait most of your fans and other people. They actually thought he went to your house..." He chuckles.

"Well yeah. But that would have to be in at least a week. I have some other plans more than not." I yawn.

"Well then!" He shouts, flailing his arms in the air. "When he comes tell me! I want him to teach me to yodel like him."  

"Heh, okay." I respond as Nick heads to his room while dragging his feet. I eventually pull out my phone and scroll through instagram. I try not to like posts on my regular account unless its a friend but I have an incognito instagram that I like random things including funny videos and what not.

"Ayahahaha Jake! Tell everyone the lobster pasta is coming right up!" Our personal chef shouts. 

I pull out the special app on my phone that is connected to all the speakers in the house and shout: "Hey bitches, food is ready."

The sound repeats 5 seconds later:

"Hey bitches, food is ready." 

I laugh. Expecting a response from Chance or Anthony as it is most like them to respond some random response.

"IM PLAYING FORTNITE BUT FOOD IS BAE SO OHIIIIOOOOOOOOO." The speaker repeats with Anthony's voice. I love it when someone responds because we never take each other seriously. I totally expected a random and stupid response.

Erika comes down with one of my sweatshirts and shorts with Anthony and Chance following behind in sleeping clothes. Chad sprints to the kitchen and sits at the counter in 0.000001 seconds while Kade slowly walks in with Makenzie on his back.

"Okay whats for tonight!" Nick shouts as he come in the kitchen with glasses on.

"A bit extra no?" Anthony laughs, slapping the glasses off of Nicks face.

Everyone grabs a plate and either sits on the couch or at the counter. Nathan decided to sit at the couch with Justin, Chad, Sarah (Chad's girlfriend), Anthony and Chance. Nick, Andy, Kade, Makenzie, Erika, Manger Joe, Manager Jeff, and I decide to sit or stand at the counter.

"Now this is good." Manager Jeff says with his mouth stuffed with lobster.

"I want to have a cook off with you!" Anthony says to our chef, wailing his fork in the air as he dances around.

"We shall have one then!" Our chef responds.

I chuckle as I eat my lobster & pasta...

By around 10:13 I finish eating and I play a couple of rounds of fortnite with everyone. By the time we were all done I head upstairs only to realize I didnt edit the vlog yet. I pull up youtube to see what everyone has posted and I skim through all their videos. When I come across Erika's I see her reveal her 'boob job' for clickbait and got her body replenished and what not. I walk into my room and watch parts of the video. She said she got birth control and thats where I almost slapped my face. She legitimatley almost exposed us. I know some of her fans would be like "why would she get birth control unless she had smashed before?" Oh whatever. I hope its not to big of a thing. When I slide my phone in my pocket, I start to head to my gaming corner and turn on my computer just to go on google and do whatver. Before I sit down I feel Erika jump on my back. She puts her arms on my shoulders and wraps her arms around my back.

"HIIIIIIII!" She screams, nuzzling her face into the side of my neck.

"Oh god." I gasp. She did scare me a bit. "Hi Rik."

"Wassahhh?" She says playfully. I put her down and look at her slowly from bottom to top.

"Okay so you mentioned brith control in your vlogs and so...." I start, putting my hand behind my back embrassingly.

"Nobody will know Jake! Chill!" She says blushing. She walks off to the fish tank to look at the random fish for some apparent reason.

"Yeah but there are some fans who are old enough to know and stuff..." I say, walking up to her. I grab her waist and turn her around to me so our mouths are inches away from each other. 

I look down at her concerningly as she thinks of some sort of reply.

"Well there have been clues sometimes. I mean the first 'real' prank I did on you was the pregnant prank... People are deciding if we smashed or we were just faking the prank so...." She blushes, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

I smile, pull her into a warming kiss and soon bring her legs up to my waist.

"You have left enough hints then." I whisper, pulling her into a hard kiss. I soon after let her down and go to my computer to play some Fortnite with Logan. 

I guess my shower thoughts are pretty good thoughts.

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