The fight | Tom Holland (Personal for @Shaira_L)

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This is a personal for Shaira_L I hope you like it!
Your point of view.

"I'm so sick of this Tom!" I yelled calmly across the room at my boyfriend of two years, Tom. He sat on the sofa with his head in his hands while I stood by the front door. He sat there and said nothing, he just kept his head in his hands. This made me even more angry that he didn't even have the audacity to reply to me. I continued to tell him exactly what I thought of him.

"Tom listen to me, I love you I really do, you're the love of my life I think the world of you, I adore you. I really do but I can't keep living like this Tom. I can't." I whispered as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"Living like what!" Tom shouted, making me jump at his sudden outburst, he looked up at me, no tears in his eyes, the muscles in his arms tensed up making him a lot scarier.

"I feel neglected Tom." I whispered taking a deep breath. "I know your career means a lot to you, and I know you love it, but you have me Tom. I feel like sometimes you forget about me and like you don't even care." I whispered as tears spilled down my cheeks.

"Don't be so fucking stupid Shaira" Tom said a little quieter but with the same amount of anger as before. "Shaira, I do love you, of course i do and you should know that by now. We've been together for two years and we've even been talking about having a child together so of course I love you. Don't you dare for one second think I don't love you." He shouted a little louder. I sniffles and replied:

"Show me you love me then. Show me you care."

Tom stood up throwing his arms down by his sides and laughed at me mockingly with a hint of an evil tone.

"I'm here aren't I?" He yelled.

"What do you mean?" I whispered looking at him with upset and confusion.

"I'm a huge star Shaira! I could be out with any girl I wanted, girls come up to me every day saying that they love me and I've had loads of them saying they'd love to be with me and that they'd love to have sex with me and that they think I'm hot but am I with them? No! Even though all of them that I've seen so far are a lot slimmer than you are and are a lot more beautiful than you, I'm with you. I've met girls that that make you look like shit compared to them. If I didn't care about you why I am here when I could be out with a sexier girl or getting laid all night every night with loads of girls! Why would I be stuck here with a piece of shit like you if I didn't care!"

He shouted, turning away and facing the other side of the room, I felt a deep sadness fill my heart as I realised he was right. Every one of his fans are more beautiful and sexier than I am, yeah he could be out having loads of sex with all these girls who'd line up and wait for months to sleep with him... He could be dating a super or model or just a girl that is better than me....He's right.
Instead of being out, dating a better girl or having more sex in one night then I've given him in the whole relationship, he's stuck here being moaned at by me because I'm a clingy bitch who just craves his attention. Fuck. What he said hurt me, but it was the truth at least.

"Tom... Baby...I'm sorry, I never thought of it like that, I'm sorry for being so clingy. I just love you and I know you get all those girls. I just miss you so much when you're filming and I get insecure, but I don't want to loose you. Ever, especially not over this." I explained, hoping Tom would soften up and we could stop the arguing and move on from this.

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