Extreamly Important Update! MUST READ!!!

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Hey guys. I know I haven't been updating much recently. Yesterday (July 3rd 2018) I got into an accident.


Yesterday I was at work and they sent me out for my lunch. I didn't want to go out of my place to get food but they forced me too. So about 12 I'm walking down the high street towards McDonalds thinking about what I'm going to get for food. I text my boyfriend and tell him that I love him. I look up, check both ways on the road and see nothing coming.

I look down, which I always do and take three steps into the road, then, a single decker bus turns around the corner and hits me at 5mph. I go "flying" and land quite far away from the bus and onto the concrete. My head hits the floor and I scream out in agony. As I lay on the floor this really nice guy, Nathan runs over to me. He's trained in first aid, so he uses his flashlight and shinning it into my eyes and is checking my pupils to see if they reacted. Loads more people run over as he turns me on my side into the recovery position. Somebody puts a pillow under my head and as I'm laying on the floor everybody around is staring at me and along the police and ambulances. Somebody comes over to me, I can't remember who but I lift up my phone and call my mom and gives it to him and he tells my mom I've been hit by a bus in town. She comes straight away and parks in town.

The guy is sitting cross legged in front of me, asking me questions like what my name is, where I live, how old I am and is keeping me awake. A girl behind me asks where I was going and I said that I was getting food on my lunch break from work. She asks where I work. The children's air ambulance charity shop and she ran to the place and told them I've been hurt.

One of the girls that work with me, Sarah comes running to me and she holds my hand, phone and glasses. Then, an ambulance come, slide a board under me and put me on my back while asking loads of questions. They put a collar tightly around my neck and a square brace around my head. They lift me up onto a bed and put me in the ambulance. My mom runs onto the ambulance, crying she gives me a hug and a kiss. I'm scared I'm going to die. I hold the paramedics hand the whole time. I got put into the hospital and put on a ward. Then left on my own for 10 minutes. Doctors came and checked me over, the turned me over and checked my back and legs then took all the collars and everything off me. They checked my neck and did tests on my arms, can I move them, hand to eye co ordination all that kind of thing. I was fine. My mom turns up and holds my hand for a while and then the doctor comes back and tells my mom that I can go home. He gives me some medicine to get from the pharmacy and tells me and my mom what I need to do. I need to avoid stressful situations, eat and drink plenty, rest a lot and take it easy and I should be fine. My mom has to check on me though the night to make sure that I'm okay but after that I'm gonna be completely fine.

I was extremely lucky. No vomiting, no blood, dizziness, light headedness, no broken or even fractured bones and no sprains. I got out with bruises, cuts, a Bang on the head (and razor cuts on it from the concrete) and whiplash. Other than that and being in absolute agony I'm fine.

When the bus hit me yesterday the hormone adrenaline was released into my brain. for those who might not know, adrenaline is our survival instinct hormone. It gets released when we are in danger, it makes us more alert and makes our body stronger in order to survive. It makes your muscles stronger and gives you more energy and power to survive.

It's been 24 hours since the accident and the adrenaline is slowly starting to "ware off" and as it is I'm starting to feel all of the pain from the accident.

On a happier note, another reason I haven't been updating is I GOT A BOYFRIEND 😍 I got my first ever proper boyfriend, he is perfect. He's sweet, funny, kind, generous, musical. He plays guitar, plays video games and loves comic books like me. He's basically a boy version of me. He has autism but he's the sweetest and most handsome boy ever. I love him and he loves me and we are very happy together.
So, please please be patient with me with updating, it might take me a while to get back into my flow but I'm going to try my best.

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